Core Foundation library for SuperNEMO
This is the complete list of members for Gnuplot, including all inherited members.
cmd(const std::string &cmdstr) | Gnuplot | |
get_terminal() const | Gnuplot | |
Gnuplot(const std::string &style="points") | Gnuplot | |
Gnuplot(const std::vector< double > &x, const std::string &title="", const std::string &style="points", const std::string &labelx="x", const std::string &labely="y") | Gnuplot | |
Gnuplot(const std::vector< double > &x, const std::vector< double > &y, const std::string &title="", const std::string &style="points", const std::string &labelx="x", const std::string &labely="y") | Gnuplot | |
Gnuplot(const std::vector< double > &x, const std::vector< double > &y, const std::vector< double > &z, const std::string &title="", const std::string &style="points", const std::string &labelx="x", const std::string &labely="y", const std::string &labelz="z") | Gnuplot | |
has_terminal() const | Gnuplot | |
is_valid() | Gnuplot | inline |
operator<<(const std::string &cmdstr) | Gnuplot | inline |
plot_equation(const std::string &equation, const std::string &title="") | Gnuplot | |
plot_equation3d(const std::string &equation, const std::string &title="") | Gnuplot | |
plot_image(const unsigned char *ucPicBuf, const unsigned int iWidth, const unsigned int iHeight, const std::string &title="") | Gnuplot | |
plot_slope(const double a, const double b, const std::string &title="") | Gnuplot | |
plot_x(const X &x, const std::string &title="") | Gnuplot | inline |
plot_xy(const X &x, const Y &y, const std::string &title="") | Gnuplot | inline |
plot_xy_err(const X &x, const Y &y, const E &dy, const std::string &title="") | Gnuplot | inline |
plot_xyz(const X &x, const Y &y, const Z &z, const std::string &title="") | Gnuplot | inline |
plotfile_x(const std::string &filename, const unsigned int column=1, const std::string &title="") | Gnuplot | |
plotfile_xy(const std::string &filename, const unsigned int column_x=1, const unsigned int column_y=2, const std::string &title="") | Gnuplot | |
plotfile_xy(const std::string &filename, const unsigned int column_x, const unsigned int column_y, const std::string &title, const std::string &file_options_, const std::string &plot_options_) | Gnuplot | |
plotfile_xy_err(const std::string &filename, const unsigned int column_x=1, const unsigned int column_y=2, const unsigned int column_dy=3, const std::string &title="") | Gnuplot | |
plotfile_xyz(const std::string &filename, const unsigned int column_x=1, const unsigned int column_y=2, const unsigned int column_z=3, const std::string &title="") | Gnuplot | |
plotfile_xyz_with_colored_wires(const std::string &filename, const std::string &title="", int color_=0) | Gnuplot | |
plotfile_xyzo(const std::string &filename, const unsigned int column_x=1, const unsigned int column_y=2, const unsigned int column_z=3, const unsigned int column_o=4, const std::string &title="") | Gnuplot | |
remove_tmpfiles() | Gnuplot | |
replot(void) | Gnuplot | inline |
reset_all() | Gnuplot | |
reset_plot() | Gnuplot | |
savetops(const std::string &filename="gnuplot_output") | Gnuplot | |
set_cbrange(const double iFrom, const double iTo) | Gnuplot | |
set_contour(const std::string &position="base") | Gnuplot | |
set_gnuplot_path(const std::string &path) | Gnuplot | static |
set_grid() | Gnuplot | inline |
set_hidden3d() | Gnuplot | inline |
set_isosamples(const int isolines=10) | Gnuplot | |
set_legend(const std::string &position="default") | Gnuplot | |
set_multiplot() | Gnuplot | inline |
set_pointsize(const double pointsize=1.0) | Gnuplot | |
set_samples(const int samples=100) | Gnuplot | |
set_smooth(const std::string &stylestr="csplines") | Gnuplot | |
set_style(const std::string &stylestr="points") | Gnuplot | |
set_surface() | Gnuplot | inline |
set_terminal(const std::string &terminal_) | Gnuplot | |
set_terminal_std(const std::string &type) | Gnuplot | static |
set_title(const std::string &title="") | Gnuplot | inline |
set_xautoscale() | Gnuplot | inline |
set_xlabel(const std::string &label="y") | Gnuplot | |
set_xlogscale(const double base=10) | Gnuplot | |
set_xrange(const double iFrom, const double iTo) | Gnuplot | |
set_yautoscale() | Gnuplot | inline |
set_ylabel(const std::string &label="x") | Gnuplot | |
set_ylogscale(const double base=10) | Gnuplot | |
set_yrange(const double iFrom, const double iTo) | Gnuplot | |
set_zautoscale() | Gnuplot | inline |
set_zlabel(const std::string &label="z") | Gnuplot | |
set_zlogscale(const double base=10) | Gnuplot | |
set_zrange(const double iFrom, const double iTo) | Gnuplot | |
showonscreen() | Gnuplot | |
terminal_std() | Gnuplot | static |
unset_contour() | Gnuplot | inline |
unset_grid() | Gnuplot | inline |
unset_hidden3d() | Gnuplot | inline |
unset_legend() | Gnuplot | inline |
unset_multiplot() | Gnuplot | inline |
unset_smooth() | Gnuplot | inline |
unset_surface() | Gnuplot | inline |
unset_title() | Gnuplot | inline |
unset_xlogscale() | Gnuplot | inline |
unset_ylogscale() | Gnuplot | inline |
unset_zlogscale() | Gnuplot | inline |
~Gnuplot() | Gnuplot |