Bayeux  3.4.1
Core Foundation library for SuperNEMO
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cdatatools::detail::ocd::_ocd_sfr< ClassType >Default templatized OCD system factory register manager
 Cdatatools::_system_factory_registrator< BaseType, DerivedType >Utility template class to enable auto-(un)registration of a derived class in a system factory register of a base class
 Cgeomtools::address_setA set of indexes representing subaddresses in a geometry ID (see geomtools::geom_id)
 Cmy::algoA simple configurable algorithm class
 Cmygsl::arithmetic_meanArithmetic mean computing algorithm
 Cdatatools::configuration::ascii_ioASCII I/O utility for variant repository and registries
 Cdatatools::urn_db_service::backward_linksList of [from] URN node backward pointing links associated to a [to] URN node
 Cdatatools::base_factory_registerThe base class for all specialized template factory registration classes
 Cgeomtools::manager::base_pluginThe geometry manager's plugin base class
 Cdatatools::i_tree_dumpable::base_print_optionsDefault print options POD
 Cmygsl::base_samplingBase class for all sampling models
 Cdatatools::detail::ocd::base_system_factory_registrarBase class for all OCD registrar classes
 Cmctools::biasing::primary_event_bias::biasing_infoBiasing information associated to a biased primary event
 Cdatatools::bit_maskSome useful constants to manipulate bits typically within an unsigned integer of 32 bits
 Cdpp::brio_commonBrio I/O constants
 Cgeomtools::placement::builderConstruct a placement
 Cmygsl::constants::cgsmCSGM system of units and constants
 Cmaterials::chemical_symbolUtilities for chemical symbols
 Cgeomtools::classified_segmentA classified segment consists in a 3D segment with a first and a last point in an arbitrary reference frame and which is assigned a property that details if the segment lies inside a volume, outside a volume or is contained on the surface of a volume
 Cgeomtools::color::color_dbColor register
 Cemfield::linear_combination_field::combined_field_entryInternal class for linear_combination_field
 Cdatatools::commandGeneric command utilities
 Cmaterials::compound_entryMaterial compound entry
 Cgeomtools::coneCone utilities
 Cdatatools::multi_properties::configReader/writer class for multi_properties objects
 Cdatatools::properties::configClass for ASCII file I/O operations with properties objects
 Cdatatools::configuration::variant_service::configVariant service configuration parameters
 Cdatatools::configuration_property_descriptionAn object that describes the way an objet of a given class can be configured from properties
 Cgeomtools::color::constantsColor labels
 Cgeomtools::constantsSome constants
 Cgeomtools::visibility::constantsConstant strings/labels
 Cgeomtools::color::contextColor context object
 Cgeomtools::gnuplot_drawer::cstreamColored stream handle
 Cdpp::if_module::cut_entryCut record entry
 Cdatatools::properties::dataInternal data stored within the dictionary of the properties class
 Cdatatools::data_readerA generic data reader based on Boost/Serialization
 Cdatatools::data_writerA generic data writer based on Boost/Serialization
 Cgeomtools::gnuplot_drawer::dd_entryStorage entry for embedded display data
 Cgenbb::nuclear_level::decay_channelA decay channel attached to the level
 Cdatatools::multi_properties::defaultsDefault values
 Cdatatools::properties::data::defaultsProvides static method for default values for each supported type
 Cdatatools::urn_db_service::dependee_db_entryExternal dependee URN database service
 Cdatatools::configuration::variant_dependency_model::dependee_recordDescription of a dependee slot:
 Cdatatools::configuration_property_description::dependency_entryDescription of a dependency
 Cdatatools::dependency_graphDependency graph
 Cdatatools::urn_db_service::dependency_graph_builderPopulated a dependency graph
 Cdatatools::dependency_info_typeRecord that stores informations about the dependency between services :
 Cdatatools::configuration::parsing::dependency_logic_astParsing AST:
 Cdatatools::configuration::parsing::dependency_logic_ast_opAST general operator node:
 Cdatatools::configuration::parsing::dependency_logic_ast_slotAST leaf node:
 Cdatatools::configuration::variant_dependency_model::dependency_recordDescription of a dependency:
 Cdpp::dpp_driver_paramsThe set of configuration parameters for the data processing pipeline driver
 Cdatatools::detail::DynamicLoaderPortable loading of dynamic libraries or dll's
 Cgenbb::beta_decay::electron_shakeoff_entryEntry for a given daughter recoil ion's charge state
 Cgenbb::decay0::enrangeEnergy range information for DBD generation
 Cdatatools::detail::ocd::ocd_registration::entry_typeInternal entry to handle the OCD data associated to a class
 Cgenvtx::combined_vg::entry_typeEntry for a vertex generator to be combined
 Cgenbb::combined_particle_generator::entry_typeParticle generator entry
 Cmygsl::errorGSL error handling
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cdatatools::configuration::variant_repository::exporterExport a variant repository to a properties container
 Cgeomtools::face_intercept_infoHosts the parameters of
 Cgeomtools::stl::facetA STL facet
 Cgeomtools::facet34A triangle or convex quadrangle facet of a tessellated solid
 Cgeomtools::facet_segmentA segment associated to a facet
 Cgeomtools::facet_vertexA vertex (corner) of a triangle or quadrangle facet in a tessellated solid
 Cmaterials::factoryFactory for isotopes, elements and materials
 Cdatatools::factory_register< BaseType >::factory_record_type
 Cgenbb::fermi_functionFermi function for beta+/- decays
 Cmygsl::fft_realFast Fourier transform algorithm
 Cgeomtools::foot_point_on_quadric_finderMarching method to find the foot point of a point on the surface of a quadric
 Cgeomtools::polycone::frustrum_dataData describing one frustrum
 Cgeomtools::polyhedra::frustrum_dataData describing one frustrum
 Cgeomtools::gdml_exportGDML export class
 Cgeomtools::gdml_writerGDML writer class used by the geomtools GDML export functionalities
 Cgenvtx::genvtx_driverThe genvtx driver
 Cgenvtx::genvtx_driver_paramsGenvtx driver configuration parameters
 Cgeomtools::geom_infoA record for geometry information about a physical volume in a virtual geometry
 Cgenvtx::vertex_validation::geometry_contextObject which embeds the geometry context of a given vertex
 Cgeomtools::gnuplot_drawDrawing primitives for various solid shapes
 Cgeomtools::gnuplot_drawerAn Gnuplot driver object responsible of the display of a virtual geometry
 Cdatatools::detail::reflection::guid_initializer< T >Struct used internally by the reflection mechanism
 Cdatatools::handle< T >Templatized handle class that wraps a Boost shared pointer and behaves like a reference
 Cdatatools::handle< base_electromagnetic_field >
 Cdatatools::handle< base_module >
 Cdatatools::handle< base_plugin >
 Cdatatools::handle< base_service >
 Cdatatools::handle< base_step_hit_processor >
 Cdatatools::handle< const i_unary_function >
 Cdatatools::handle< face_info_collection_type >
 Cdatatools::handle< histogram_1d >
 Cdatatools::handle< histogram_2d >
 Cdatatools::handle< i_cut >
 Cdatatools::handle< i_genbb >
 Cdatatools::handle< i_object_3d >
 Cdatatools::handle< i_vertex_generator >
 Cdatatools::handle< nuclear_decay >
 Cdatatools::handle< nuclear_level >
 Cdatatools::handle< parameter_model >
 Cdatatools::handle< variant_model >
 Cdatatools::handle_pool< T >A pool of handles on a given class
 Cgeomtools::gnuplot_drawer::has_dd_addrPredicate that tests the address of a display data
 Cmctools::digitization::i_adcA simple linear ADC (Analog Digital Converter)
 Cdatatools::i_caster< From, ToBase >Templatized abstract interface class with a cast method using covariant return types
 Cdatatools::i_clearA pure abstract class (interface) for inherited clearable classes
 Cdatatools::i_cloneableA pure abstract class (interface) for inherited cloneable classes
 Cdpp::i_data_sinkData sink/writer abstract interface
 Cdpp::i_data_sourceData source/reader abstract interface
 Cgeomtools::i_find_interceptAbstract interface for all objects for which we can compute the intercept with a ray emitted from a point
 Cgeomtools::i_object_3d::i_getterObject 3D abstract getter class
 Cmygsl::i_kernel_smootherKernel smoother interface
 Cgenbb::i_lorentz_boost_generatorAbstract mother class to fetch Lorentz Boost data
 Cgeomtools::base_hit::i_measurementGeneric abstract interface for a measurement on a hit
 Cdatatools::i_namedA pure abstract class (interface) for named objects, possibly with dynamic name. Example: a class with fixed name
 Cdatatools::configuration::i_occurrenceAbstract interface for all occurrence objects
 Cgeomtools::i_polygonPolygon 2D shape
 Ccuts::i_cut::i_referenced_dataAn abstract class for daughter templatized data wrapper classes
 Cdatatools::i_serializableBase abstract class of all serializable (and possibly introspectable) classes
 Cgeomtools::i_stackableAbstract base stackable object
 Cdatatools::i_tree_dumpableAn interface with utilities for printable objects
 Cgeomtools::i_wires_3d_renderingBrief Abstract interface for objects that can describe themselves as a collection of polylines for 3D rendering
 Cgeomtools::id_selectorA selector of geometry IDs using a specific geometry category
 Cdatatools::configuration::variant_repository::importerImport a variant repository from a properties container
 Cdatatools::io::indenterI/O indenter class
 Cdatatools::i_tree_dumpable::inherit_skip_tagOutput stream manipulator
 Cdatatools::i_tree_dumpable::inherit_tagOutput stream manipulator
 Cdatatools::detail::reflection::init_guid< T >
 Cdatatools::integer_rangeA class representing an interval of integer values
 Cdatatools::qt::interfaceInterface to Qt
 Cdatatools::ioI/O utilities
 Cgeomtools::ioI/O constants for the serialization of vector(2D/3D) and rotation objects
 Cdpp::io_commonSome common data structure for I/O modules
 Cstd::ios_baseSTL class
 Cmaterials::iso_entryIsotope composition entry
 Cmygsl::IstreamManipulatorRef< Type >
 Cgeomtools::model_with_internal_items_tools::item_typeInternal item record
 Cdatatools::library_info::keysLibrary/software component description property keys
 Cgenbb::kinematicsRelastivistic particle kinematics
 Cmygsl::linear_regressionThe linear regression algorithm
 Cmygsl::linear_system_solverBrief Linear system solver algorithm
 Cdatatools::detail::ocd::loader< T >
 Cgeomtools::logical_volume::locate_resultData structure resulting of the logical_volume::locate method
 Cmctools::g4::loggable_supportBase class with logging support
 Cdatatools::loggerOrganise logging functionality under one roof
 Cemfield::polynomial_magnetic_field::magnetic_field_coordinateInternal structure to embed polynomial parameters
 Cmctools::g4::manager_parametersThe set of parameters for the Geant4 simulation manager
 Cgeomtools::mapping_utilsMapping utilities
 Cmaterials::materials_driverDriver for materials
 Cmaterials::materials_driver_paramsParameters for the material driver
 Cgeomtools::model_with_internal_mesh_data::mesh_typeMesh record
 Cdatatools::introspection::method_args_builderThis class uses a variable map from the command line to build a list of arguments for calling a function/method through the reflection API
 Cdatatools::introspection::method_builderThis class uses the reflection API to build the description of a function or a class method. Special tags are expected in the reflection API of the function/method in order to generate the function introspective description. The mapped function may have or not a unique returned value. The mapped function can have an arbitrary number of input arguments. Only scalar argument/returned values of simple types (bool, integer, real, string) are supported for now
 Cmygsl::constants::mksaMKSA system of units and constants
 Cdatatools::configuration::model_itemConfiguration item with an embedded parameter or variant model handle through a smart pointer
 Cgeomtools::model_with_internal_items_toolsHandler for internal items
 Cdpp::skip_module::module_entryInternal class of the skip_module class
 Cdpp::chain_module::module_entryRecord for a module using a specific label
 Cdpp::if_module::module_entryInternal module record entry
 Cmygsl::multi_evalAbstract functor from a R^n space to R
 Cmygsl::multidimensional_minimizationMultidimensional minimization algorithm
 Cmygsl::multiparameter_systemSystem with several parameters
 Cmygsl::constants::numUnits prefixes and constants
 Cdatatools::object_configuration_descriptionAn object that describes the way an object of a given class can be configured through properties
 Cgeomtools::i_object_3d::object_entryAn entry that stores a 3D object
 Cdatatools::configuration::occurrence_factoryOccurrence factory
 Cdatatools::ocd_driverThe OCD manual application
 Cdatatools::ocd_driver_paramsParameters of the OCD manual object
 Cdatatools::detail::ocd::ocd_registrationOCD registration container
 Cmygsl::ode_systemSystem for ODE solving
 Cmygsl::one_dimensional_minimizationOne dimensional minimization algorithm
 Cmygsl::one_dimensional_root_solverOne dimensional root solver algorithm
 Cdatatools::ostream_manipulator< T >Ostream_manipulator class
 Cdatatools::ostream_manipulator_ref< T >Ostream_manipulator_ref class
 Cmygsl::OstreamManipulator< Type >
 Cgeomtools::overlapping::overlap_infoInformation about a detected overlap
 Cgeomtools::overlappingVolume overlapping detection algorithms
 Cdatatools::kernel::param_typeThe set of configuration parameters for the datatools kernel
 Cdatatools::configuration::variant_model::parameter_recordParameter record
 Cmygsl::parameter_store::parameter_recordParameter record
 Cmygsl::histogram::pdfPDF associated to a one dimensional histogram
 Cgeomtools::gdml_writer::physvolDescription of a physical volume
 Cmctools::biasing::primary_event_bias::poi_entry_typeDictionary of points of interest
 Cgeomtools::point_on_quadric_finderMarching method to find a point on the surface of a quadric
 Cmygsl::prng_state_managerA manager that can store the internal states associated to a set of PRNGs addressed with some labels
 Cmctools::step_hit_processor_factory::processor_entry_typeA processor entry in the factory's embedded dictionary
 Cgeomtools::polycone::r_min_maxRmin/Rmax doublet
 Cdatatools::range_toolsUtility that hosts constants relative to range and interval objects
 Cdatatools::real_rangeA class representing an interval of real (double precision) values with support of embedded units
 Cmygsl::prng_state_manager::recordInternal record that store the internal state of a PRNG
 Cdatatools::configuration::variant_repository::registry_entryEntry that hosts a variant registry
 Cdatatools::configuration::ui::registry_model_wrapperA wrapper that handles a registry tree model and its associated viewer object
 Cdatatools::configuration::variant_service::registry_recordRecord for an additional registry
 Cgeomtools::gdml_writer::replicavolDescription of a replica volume
 Cgeomtools::overlapping::reportOverlapping search report
 Cdatatools::command::returned_infoCommand returned information
 Cmygsl::rngPseudo random number generator
 Cdatatools::safe_serial< T >Template container wrapper class for safe storage of object with regards to Boost/Serilization memory tracking feature
 Cmygsl::samplingConstants and resources used for sampling
 Cdpp::i_data_sink::sink_recordInternal class of the i_data_sink interface class
 Cdatatools::smart_filenameA class that builds an arbitrary list of filenames on user request. Supported modes are:
 Cdatatools::smart_ref< T >A template class that stores a reference to an object and additional associated meta-data
 Cmaterials::smart_ref< T >A handler object that is used as a smart reference for an object of which it can have the responsibility of the deletion
 Cmaterials::smart_ref< element >
 Cmaterials::smart_ref< isotope >
 Cmaterials::smart_ref< material >
 Cgeomtools::stl::solidA STL solid
 Cdpp::i_data_source::source_recordInternal class of the i_data_source interface class
 Cgeomtools::split_segment_wrt_shapeThis algorithm splits a segment, a polyline or a collection of polylines in a sequence of smaller segments that are classified as inside, outside or on surface of a given shape
 Cgeomtools::stackableStatic methods and constants to handle stackable data/information
 Cmctools::biasing::primary_event_bias::stat_recordRecord counters
 Cbrio::store_infoA class that contains internal dynamic informations for a given store
 Cdatatools::i_tree_dumpable::tagsDefault tags for tree-formated print
 Cdatatools::temp_fileA class for the management of temporary unique file stored in a given directory
 Cdatatools::tracerA tracer object stores some arbitrary output in a trace file
 Cmctools::g4::track_historyRecording of tracks history
 Cmctools::g4::track_history::track_infoRecording of informations about a single track
 Cboost::serialization::tracking_level< ::datatools::handle< T > >Struct used internally by the serialization mechanism of handles for memory tracking
 Cgenbb::two_body_decayDescription of a two body decay
 Cmygsl::unary_function_handleSmart handle to an unary function object
 Cdatatools::urn_db_service::urn_recordURN record
 Cgenvtx::utilsUtilities for vertex generators
 Cgenbb::utilsUtility class
 Cdatatools::configuration::variant_dependency_logic_builderDependency logic builder from an AST
 Cdatatools::configuration::variant_object_infoStructure describing a variant object of interest which may have (dynamic) dependencies
 Cdatatools::configuration::variant_parameter_set_comparatorComparator functor used to sort variant parameters by registry and path
 Cdatatools::configuration::variant_parameter_set_typeA triplet of character strings representing a variant parameter set directive
 Cdatatools::configuration::variant_preprocessorConfiguration variant string preprocessor
 Cdatatools::configuration::variant_recordVariant registry record node
 Cdatatools::configuration::variant_reportingVariant processing reporting
 Cdatatools::configuration::variant_serviceVariant user interface service
 Cbayeux::versionDescribe the Bayeux API version and features
 Cmctools::versionDescribe the mctools API version and features
 Cdpp::versionDescribe the dpp API version and features
 Cbrio::versionDescribe the brio API version and features
 Cgenvtx::versionDescribe the genvtx API version and features
 Cdatatools::versionDescribe the datatools API version and features
 Cgenbb::versionDescribe the genbb_help API version and features
 Cmaterials::versionDescribe the materials API version and features
 Cgeomtools::versionDescribe the geomtools API version and features
 Ccuts::versionDescribe the cuts API version and features
 Cmygsl::versionDescribe the mygsl API version and features
 Cemfield::versionDescribe the emfield API version and features
 Cgeomtools::stl::vertexA STL vertex
 Cgeomtools::visibilityUtilities to manipulate visibility properties
 Cgeomtools::gnuplot_drawer::visibility_rulesVisibility rules for 3D volume rendering
 Cmygsl::von_neumann_methodVon Neumann's rejection method for one dimensional PDF
 Cgeomtools::simple_polygon::wall_segment_typeData for a wall segment
 Cgenvtx::weight_entry_typeWeight data for combined vertex generators
 Cgenvtx::weight_infoInformation about the weighting of combined vertex generators
 Cmygsl::weighted_meanWeighted mean computing algorithm
 Cdatatools::ui::wrapped_booleanWrapper for a boolean value
 Cdatatools::ui::wrapped_integerWrapper for an integer value
 Cdatatools::ui::wrapped_real_with_unitWrapper for a real value with associated unit
 Cdatatools::ui::wrapped_real_without_unitWrapper for a dimensionless real value
 Cgeomtools::gnuplot_draw::xyz_rangeA XYZ range used to record drawn points in an effective bounding box
 Cemfield::multi_zone_field::zone_field_entryThe information associated to a given zone