Core Foundation library for SuperNEMO
►Nbayeux | Top-level namespace of the Bayeux library |
►Ndetail | |
Cbayeux_library | |
Cversion | Describe the Bayeux API version and features |
►Nboost | Serialization stuff for CLHEP 'vector_3d' |
►Narchive | |
Cportable_archive_exception | Exception being thrown when serialization cannot proceed |
Cportable_iarchive | Portable binary input archive using little endian format |
Cportable_oarchive | Portable binary output archive using little endian format |
►Nserialization | |
Ctracking_level< ::datatools::handle< T > > | Struct used internally by the serialization mechanism of handles for memory tracking |
►Nbrio | Top-level namespace of the Bayeux/brio module library |
►Ndetail | Nested namespace of the Bayeux/brio module library (detail) |
Cbase_io | The internal I/O base class |
Creader | The brio generic reader class |
►Cstore_info | A class that contains internal dynamic informations for a given store |
Cconstants | |
Cversion | Describe the brio API version and features |
Cwriter | The brio generic writer class |
►Ncuts | Top-level namespace of the Bayeux/cuts module library |
Caccept_cut | A cut that always accepts |
Cand_cut | The AND binary cut |
Ccut_entry_type | Internal record that handles a dynamically allocated cut |
Ccut_manager | The cut manager class |
Ccut_service | The cut service |
Cexclude_cut | The EXCLUDE binary cut (a OR NOT b) |
Ci_binary_cut | The abstract base class for binary cuts |
►Ci_cut | The cut abstract base class (interface) |
Ci_referenced_data | An abstract class for daughter templatized data wrapper classes |
Creferenced_data | A weak reference to an arbitrary object with tracked type_info |
Ci_multi_cut | The abstract base class for multi cuts |
Cmulti_and_cut | A multi AND cut |
Cmulti_or_cut | A multi OR cut |
Cmulti_xor_cut | A multi XOR cut |
Cnand_cut | The NAND binary cut |
Cnor_cut | The NOR binary cut |
Cnot_cut | The NOT cut |
Cor_cut | The OR binary cut |
Crandom_cut | A cut that randomly accepts |
Creject_cut | A cut that always rejects |
Cversion | Describe the cuts API version and features |
Cxnor_cut | The XNOR binary cut |
Cxor_cut | The XOR binary cut |
►Ndatatools | The Bayeux/datatools library top-level namespace |
►Nconfiguration | Nested namespace of the Bayeux/datatools module library |
►Nparsing | |
Cdependency_logic_ast | Parsing AST: |
Cdependency_logic_ast_op | AST general operator node: |
Cdependency_logic_ast_slot | AST leaf node: |
►Nui | |
CFileDialogLauncherButton | Button to launch a file dialog widget |
Cparameter_item_delegate | Item delegate for parameter value |
CRealDialogLauncherButton | Button to launch a real dialog widget |
Cregistry_model_wrapper | A wrapper that handles a registry tree model and its associated viewer object |
Ctree_item | Node/item of the tree model wrapping a variant registry record |
Cvariant_registry_cli | |
Cvariant_registry_dialog | A widget to browse/edit a configuration variant registry |
Cvariant_registry_tree_model | Qt tree model for configuration variant registry |
Cvariant_registry_viewer | A widget to browse/edit a configuration variant registry |
Cvariant_repository_cli | |
Cvariant_repository_dialog | A widget to browse/edit a configuration variant repository |
Cvariant_repository_viewer | A widget to browse/edit a configuration variant registry |
Cand_logic | AND predicate |
Carray_occurrence | Single occurrence |
Cascii_io | ASCII I/O utility for variant repository and registries |
Cbase_dependency_logic | Base class for variant enabling logic predicates |
Cenumerated_string_value_repr_instance_grammar | Parser for a enumerated string value representation |
Cfull_param_enum_string_value_path_instance_grammar | Parser for a full variant parameter value path |
Cfull_param_path_instance_grammar | Parser for a full variant parameter path |
Cfull_param_value_group_path_instance_grammar | Parser for a full variant parameter value group path |
Cfull_variant_path_instance_grammar | Parser for a full variant path |
Cgroup_name_instance_grammar | Parser for a variant parameter group name |
Ci_occurrence | Abstract interface for all occurrence objects |
Clocal_param_path_instance_grammar | Parser for a local variant parameter path |
Clocal_variant_path_instance_grammar | Parser for a local variant path |
Cmodel_item | Configuration item with an embedded parameter or variant model handle through a smart pointer |
Cnot_logic | NOT predicate |
Coccurrence_factory | Occurrence factory |
Cor_logic | OR predicate |
Cparam_name_instance_grammar | Parser for a variant parameter name |
►Cparameter_model | Description/model of a configuration parameter |
Cbase_enum_metadata | Base enumerated item metadata |
Cboolean_enum_value_metadata | Boolean enumeration support |
Cinteger_enum_value_metadata | Integer enumeration support |
Cinteger_range_enum_metadata | Integer range support |
Creal_enum_value_metadata | Real enumeration support |
Creal_range_enum_metadata | Real range support |
Cstring_enum_value_metadata | String enumeration support |
Cparameter_physical | Physical parameter physical |
Cregistry_name_instance_grammar | Parser for a registry name |
Csingle_occurrence | Single occurrence for a physical parameter in a variant model |
Cslot_logic | Variant slot predicate |
Cvariant_dependency | A variant dependency associated a depender variant object o a set of dependee variants. The object may be one of the following types: |
Cvariant_dependency_logic_builder | Dependency logic builder from an AST |
►Cvariant_dependency_model | Model of variant dependencies associated to a variant repository |
Cdependee_record | Description of a dependee slot: |
Cdependency_record | Description of a dependency: |
►Cvariant_model | Model of a configuration variant |
Cparameter_record | Parameter record |
Cvariant_name_instance_grammar | Parser for a variant name |
Cvariant_object_info | Structure describing a variant object of interest which may have (dynamic) dependencies |
Cvariant_parameter_set_comparator | Comparator functor used to sort variant parameters by registry and path |
Cvariant_parameter_set_type | A triplet of character strings representing a variant parameter set directive |
Cvariant_physical | Physical variant physical |
Cvariant_preprocessor | Configuration variant string preprocessor |
►Cvariant_record | Variant registry record node |
Cdaughter_type | |
Cvariant_registry | Registry of configuration variant parameters and associated variants |
Cvariant_registry_manager | A Factory/manager for configuration variants and associated parameters |
Cvariant_reporting | Variant processing reporting |
►Cvariant_repository | Variant repository |
Cexporter | Export a variant repository to a properties container |
Cimporter | Import a variant repository from a properties container |
Cregistry_entry | Entry that hosts a variant registry |
►Cvariant_service | Variant user interface service |
Cconfig | Variant service configuration parameters |
Cregistry_record | Record for an additional registry |
Cvariant_exception | Exception for variant related error |
Cxor_logic | XOR predicate |
►Ndetail | Nested namespace of the Bayeux/datatools module library (detail) |
►Nocd | Nested private namespace of the Bayeux/datatools module library (OCD) |
C_ocd_sfr | Default templatized OCD system factory register manager |
Cbase_system_factory_registrar | Base class for all OCD registrar classes |
Cloader | |
►Cocd_registration | OCD registration container |
Centry_type | Internal entry to handle the OCD data associated to a class |
Csystem_factory_registrar | Templatized OCD registrar class |
►Nreflection | Nested private namespace of the Bayeux/datatools module library (reflection) |
Cguid_defined | Struct used internally by the reflection mechanism |
Cguid_initializer | Struct used internally by the reflection mechanism |
Cinit_guid | |
CDynamicLoader | Portable loading of dynamic libraries or dll's |
Csys | System class for developpers: |
►Nintrospection | Nested namespace of the Bayeux/datatools module library |
Cargument | Description of a method argument |
Cdata_description | Data description |
Cmethod | Description of a method |
Cmethod_args_builder | This class uses a variable map from the command line to build a list of arguments for calling a function/method through the reflection API |
Cmethod_builder | This class uses the reflection API to build the description of a function or a class method. Special tags are expected in the reflection API of the function/method in order to generate the function introspective description. The mapped function may have or not a unique returned value. The mapped function can have an arbitrary number of input arguments. Only scalar argument/returned values of simple types (bool, integer, real, string) are supported for now |
Cunit_info | Unit information associated to a parameter |
►Nqt | |
Cinterface | Interface to Qt |
Cled | A LED widget with ON/OFF(/INDETERMINATE) status |
►Nui | |
►Nansi_colors | |
Cansi_code | |
Cbackground_black | |
Cbackground_blue | |
Cbackground_bright_black | |
Cbackground_bright_blue | |
Cbackground_bright_cyan | |
Cbackground_bright_green | |
Cbackground_bright_magenta | |
Cbackground_bright_red | |
Cbackground_bright_white | |
Cbackground_bright_yellow | |
Cbackground_cyan | |
Cbackground_green | |
Cbackground_magenta | |
Cbackground_red | |
Cbackground_white | |
Cbackground_yellow | |
Cblink_fast | |
Cblink_off | |
Cblink_slow | |
Ccolor_8bits | |
Cconcealed_off | |
Cconcealed_on | |
Cdefault_background | |
Cencircled_on | |
Cforeground_black | |
Cforeground_blue | |
Cforeground_bright_black | |
Cforeground_bright_blue | |
Cforeground_bright_cyan | |
Cforeground_bright_green | |
Cforeground_bright_magenta | |
Cforeground_bright_red | |
Cforeground_bright_white | |
Cforeground_bright_yellow | |
Cforeground_cyan | |
Cforeground_green | |
Cforeground_magenta | |
Cforeground_red | |
Cforeground_white | |
Cforeground_yellow | |
Cframed_off | |
Cframed_on | |
Chigh_intensity_on | |
Cinverse_off | |
Cinverse_on | |
Citalic_off | |
Citalics_on | |
Clow_intensity_on | |
Cnormal_intensity | |
Coverlined_off | |
Coverlined_on | |
Creset | |
Crestore_default | |
Cstrikethrough_off | |
Cstrikethrough_on | |
Cunderline_off | |
Cunderline_on | |
Cbase_command | Base command |
Cbase_command_interface | Command interface for arbitrary objects |
Cbasic_shell | Command line shell interface |
Cconst_target_command | Base command for a const target object |
Cconst_target_command_interface | Base command interface for a const target object |
►Cihs | Interface Hierarchy System |
Cnode | A node in the IHS |
Creflective_command | Reflective command for a target object |
Creflective_command_interface | Reflective command interface for a target object |
Cshell_cd_command | Shell cd command |
Cshell_command_interface | Base command interface for a shell |
Cshell_exit_command | Shell exit command |
Cshell_help_command | Shell help command |
Cshell_load_command | Shell load command |
Cshell_ls_command | Shell ls command |
Cshell_man_command | Shell man command |
Cshell_pwd_command | Shell pwd command |
Cshell_tree_command | Shell tree command |
Ctarget_command | Base command for a target object |
Ctarget_command_interface | Base command interface for a target object |
Ctraits | |
Cwrapped_boolean | Wrapper for a boolean value |
Cwrapped_integer | Wrapper for an integer value |
Cwrapped_real_with_unit | Wrapper for a real value with associated unit |
Cwrapped_real_without_unit | Wrapper for a dimensionless real value |
►Nunits | Utilities for units based on the CLHEP library's implementation |
Cregistry | A registry for units |
Cunit | The description of an unit |
Cunit_dimension | The description of an unit dimension |
C_system_factory_registrator | Utility template class to enable auto-(un)registration of a derived class in a system factory register of a base class |
Carray_input_buffer | Input stream buffer associated to a plain array of characters (char *) |
Cbad_things_cast | An exception for invalid cast operation within the things class |
Cbase_factory_register | The base class for all specialized template factory registration classes |
Cbase_service | The base service class |
Cbit_mask | Some useful constants to manipulate bits typically within an unsigned integer of 32 bits |
Ccaster | Templatized concrete caster class for casting pointers from a covariant class hierarchy to some other type |
►Ccommand | Generic command utilities |
Creturned_info | Command returned information |
Ccomputing_time | A class that compute time statistics |
►Cconfiguration_property_description | An object that describes the way an objet of a given class can be configured from properties |
Cdependency_entry | Description of a dependency |
Cdata_reader | A generic data reader based on Boost/Serialization |
Cdata_writer | A generic data writer based on Boost/Serialization |
►Cdependency_graph | Dependency graph |
Ccycle_detector | Visitor for cycle detection |
Cedge_properties_t | |
►Cfvocf_visitor | Visitor for finding dependee vertices of given category |
Cend_of_algo_exception | |
Cgraph_properties_t | |
Cvertex_properties_t | |
Cdependency_info_type | Record that stores informations about the dependency between services : |
Cenriched_base | A base class with useful attributes usable in many contexts |
Cevent_id | A simple event identifier based on a run number and an event number Run and event numbers are represented by 32 bits signed integrals. The event_id class is serializable through the Boost.Serialization library. Utilities for standard I/O streams is also provided |
Cevent_id_equal_predicate | Predicate to check if an event_id equals another one |
►Cfactory_register | Template factory registration class |
Cfactory_record_type | |
Chandle | Templatized handle class that wraps a Boost shared pointer and behaves like a reference |
Chandle_pool | A pool of handles on a given class |
Chandle_predicate | Forward declaration : |
Ci_caster | Templatized abstract interface class with a cast method using covariant return types |
Ci_clear | A pure abstract class (interface) for inherited clearable classes |
Ci_cloneable | A pure abstract class (interface) for inherited cloneable classes |
Ci_named | A pure abstract class (interface) for named objects, possibly with dynamic name. Example: a class with fixed name |
Ci_predicate | A template predicate abstract class |
Ci_serializable | Base abstract class of all serializable (and possibly introspectable) classes |
►Ci_tree_dumpable | An interface with utilities for printable objects |
Cbase_print_options | Default print options POD |
Cinherit_skip_tag | Output stream manipulator |
Cinherit_tag | Output stream manipulator |
Ctags | Default tags for tree-formated print |
Ciarraystream | Std::istream interface for a plain array of characters (char *) |
Cinteger_range | A class representing an interval of integer values |
►Cio | I/O utilities |
Cconstants | |
Cindenter | I/O indenter class |
►Cio_factory | A generic base reader/writer class based on Boost/Serialization |
Cformat | |
Cio_reader | A generic reader class inherited from the io_factory class |
Cio_writer | A generic writer class inherited from the io_factory class |
Civectorstream | Std::istream interface for a std::vector of characters (std::vector<char>) |
►Ckernel | The datatools kernel singleton with embedded resources and components |
Cparam_type | The set of configuration parameters for the datatools kernel |
►Clibrary_info | Host a register of static and/or dynamic informations about libraries or software components |
Ckeys | Library/software component description property keys |
Clibrary_loader | A DLL loader class |
Clibrary_query_service | Library information query service |
Clogger | Organise logging functionality under one roof |
Cmother_to_daughter_predicate | A template mother-to-daughter caster predicate class |
►Cmulti_properties | A container of mapped properties objects |
Cconfig | Reader/writer class for multi_properties objects |
Cdefaults | Default values |
Centry | Section entry handle internal data stored within the dictionary of the multi_properties class |
Cobject_configuration_description | An object that describes the way an object of a given class can be configured through properties |
Cocd_driver | The OCD manual application |
Cocd_driver_params | Parameters of the OCD manual object |
Costream_manipulator | Ostream_manipulator class |
Costream_manipulator_ref | Ostream_manipulator_ref class |
Covectorstream | Std::ostream interface for a std::vector of characters (std::vector<char>) |
►Cproperties | A dictionary of arbitrary properties |
Cbasic_key_validator | Pure abstract class for key validator |
Cconfig | Class for ASCII file I/O operations with properties objects |
►Cdata | Internal data stored within the dictionary of the properties class |
Cdefaults | Provides static method for default values for each supported type |
Cdefault_key_validator | Default abstract class for key validator |
Crange_tools | Utility that hosts constants relative to range and interval objects |
Creal_range | A class representing an interval of real (double precision) values with support of embedded units |
Csafe_serial | Template container wrapper class for safe storage of object with regards to Boost/Serilization memory tracking feature |
Cservice_entry | Internal entry for service objects stored in the service manager class |
Cservice_manager | Service management class |
►Csmart_filename | A class that builds an arbitrary list of filenames on user request. Supported modes are: |
Clabels | |
►Csmart_ref | A template class that stores a reference to an object and additional associated meta-data |
Chas_flag | Predicate used by the smart_ref template class |
Ctemp_file | A class for the management of temporary unique file stored in a given directory |
►Cthings | A generic serializable and noncopyable container for arbitrary serializable objects |
Centry_type | Internal entry for serializable object stored in the thing class |
Ctracer | A tracer object stores some arbitrary output in a trace file |
Curn | A class representing a simplified URN conforming parts of the RFC2141 |
►Curn_db_service | A service with a dictionary of URN informations |
Cbackward_links | List of [from] URN node backward pointing links associated to a [to] URN node |
Cdependee_db_entry | External dependee URN database service |
Cdependency_graph_builder | Populated a dependency graph |
Curn_record | URN record |
Curn_info | A class documenting an object addressed by its unique URN and linked to other objects (also addressed by URNs). |
Curn_query_service | A service which allows queries about URNs thanks to embedded specialized dictionaries of URN informations and URN/path resolver tables |
Curn_to_path | A class representing the association of an URN to some paths. A path maybe a filesystem path, an URL, a hostname/port identifier or any other location address that can be represented as a character string. The list if registered paths is ordered to reflect some possible priority policy, depending on the way paths have been inserted in the register |
Curn_to_path_resolver_service | URN to file path resolver service |
Cvector_input_buffer | Input stream buffer associated to a std::vector of characters (std::vector<char>) |
Cvector_output_buffer | Output stream buffer associated to a std::vector of characters (std::vector<char>) |
Cversion | Describe the datatools API version and features |
►Cversion_id | A class representing a version ID : |
Ctags | |
►Ndpp | Top-level namespace of the Bayeux/dpp module library |
Cbase_module | Base processing module (abstract interface) |
Cbrio_common | Brio I/O constants |
►Cchain_module | A data processing module to chain children data processing modules |
Cmodule_entry | Record for a module using a specific label |
Ccontext_service | A service that handles a context object store implemented as a datatools::multi_properties container |
Cdpp_driver | The data processing pipeline driver |
Cdpp_driver_params | The set of configuration parameters for the data processing pipeline driver |
Cdummy_module | A dummy data processing module for tests |
Cdump_module | A data processing module to dump data records |
Chistogram_service | A service for managing 1D and 2D histograms |
►Ci_data_sink | Data sink/writer abstract interface |
Csink_record | Internal class of the i_data_sink interface class |
►Ci_data_source | Data source/reader abstract interface |
Csource_record | Internal class of the i_data_source interface class |
►Cif_module | A data processing module to be apply only if some cut is fulfilled |
Ccut_entry | Cut record entry |
Cmodule_entry | Internal module record entry |
Cinput_module | An input data processing module for automated I/O operations |
Cio_common | Some common data structure for I/O modules |
Cmodule_entry_type | Module record entry class |
Cmodule_manager | A manager for data processing modules |
Coutput_module | A output data processing module for automated I/O operations |
Csimple_brio_data_sink | A brio-based I/O data sink/writer |
Csimple_brio_data_source | A brio-based I/O data source/reader |
Csimple_data_sink | A Boost/Serialization-based I/O data sink/writer |
Csimple_data_source | A Boost/Serialization-based I/O data source/reader |
►Cskip_module | A data processing module to skip some data records |
Cmodule_entry | Internal class of the skip_module class |
Cutils_cut | |
Cutils_module | A data processing module for automated utility operations (bank removal) |
Cversion | Describe the dpp API version and features |
►Nemfield | Top-level namespace of the Bayeux/emfield module library |
Cbase_electromagnetic_field | Abstract base class for all electromagnetic field |
Celectromagnetic_field_manager | Electromagnetic field manager |
Cemfield_geom_plugin | A plugin for the geomtools' geometry manager that drives some EM fields manager |
►Cgeom_map | Mapping of electromagnetic fields with geometry volume |
Cassociation_entry | |
►Clinear_combination_field | Class representing linear combination of many EM fields |
Ccombined_field_entry | Internal class for linear_combination_field |
►Cmulti_zone_field | A class that computes the value of the EM field that depends on the position with respect to the coordinate system. Several regions are associated to several fields |
Czone_field_entry | The information associated to a given zone |
Coscillating_field | Class representing a weighted electric/magnetic field with some oscillating coefficient |
Cplacement_field | Class that recomputes a given field in some arbitrary coordinate system using a placement object to operate the transformation with respect to the global coordinate system |
►Cpolynomial_magnetic_field | |
Cmagnetic_field_coordinate | Internal structure to embed polynomial parameters |
Cuniform_electric_field | |
Cuniform_magnetic_field | |
Cversion | Describe the emfield API version and features |
►Ngenbb | Top-level namespace of the Bayeux/genbb_help module library |
►Ndecay0 | Nested namespace of the Bayeux/genbb_help module library (decay0 C++ port) |
Cbbpars | |
CBJ69 | |
Cbj69sl2 | |
Cdenrange | |
Cenrange | Energy range information for DBD generation |
Ceta_nme | |
Cgenbbpar | |
Chelpbb | |
Cparbeta | |
Cparbeta1 | |
Cparbeta2 | |
►Ndetail | |
Cpg_entry_type | |
►Npdg | |
Cparticle | The identification of a particle with its PDG code This follows the scheme from |
Cparticle_registry | A registry for particle entries |
Calpha_decay | Description of an alpha decay |
Cbase_decay_driver | Base decay driver |
►Cbeta_decay | Description of a beta decay |
Celectron_shakeoff_entry | Entry for a given daughter recoil ion's charge state |
►Ccombined_particle_generator | Generator for combined generators |
Centry_type | Particle generator entry |
Cdecay_driver_factory | Decay driver factory methods |
Cfermi_function | Fermi function for beta+/- decays |
Cfrom_file_generator | A generator that loads primary events from a file |
Cgenbb_mgr | Legacy bridge manager that reads Genbb files |
Cgenbb_writer | |
Ci_genbb | GENBB particle generator abstract base class |
Ci_lorentz_boost_generator | Abstract mother class to fetch Lorentz Boost data |
Ckinematics | Relastivistic particle kinematics |
Clorentz_boost_wrapper | Wrapper for another generator |
Cmanager | GENBB particle manager management class |
Cnuclear_decay | Description of a nuclear decay |
Cnuclear_decay_generator | A generator that shoot nuclear decays |
Cnuclear_decay_manager | A nuclear decay manager |
►Cnuclear_level | Description of a nuclear level |
Cdecay_channel | A decay channel attached to the level |
Cnuclear_transition | Description of a deexcitation nuclear transition between two levels of the same nuclide (gamma + IC) |
Cprimary_event | A primary event from a Monte-Carlo generator |
Cprimary_particle | A primary particle generated by a Monte Carlo generator process |
Csave_to_file_wrapper | Wrapper for another generator |
►Csingle_particle_generator | Generator for single particles with some special kinematics |
Cion_data_type | |
Cmulti_rays_record_type | |
Cneutrino_data_type | |
Ctime_slicer_generator | Time slicer generator |
Ctwo_body_decay | Description of a two body decay |
Cutils | Utility class |
Cversion | Describe the genbb_help API version and features |
Cwdecay0 | Decay0/GENBB (C++ port) generator wrapper |
►Ngenvtx | Top-level namespace of the Bayeux/genvtx module library |
Cbox_model_vg | A vertex generator based on a boxed geometry model |
Cbox_vg | A vertex generator based on the geometry of a 3D box |
►Ccombined_vg | A vertex generator that combined several vertex generators wuth specific weighting rules |
Centry_type | Entry for a vertex generator to be combined |
Ccylinder_model_vg | A vertex generator based on a cylindric geometry model |
Ccylinder_vg | A vertex generator based on the geometry of a 3D cylinder |
Cfrom_file_vg | Generate vertex from a file storing precomputed vertexes |
Cgenvtx_driver | The genvtx driver |
Cgenvtx_driver_params | Genvtx driver configuration parameters |
Ci_from_model_vg | An abstract vertex generator based on a geometry model |
Ci_vertex_generator | The base interface class for all vertex generator classes |
Cin_materials_vertex_validator | The vertex validation |
Cmanager | Vertex generator manager |
Cnot_in_daughters_vertex_validator | Vertex validator that select only vertex shoot from a given volume but not in its daughter volumes |
Corigin_definition | |
Cplacement_vg | A vertex generator that changes the placement (translation/rotation) of another vertex generator |
Cpolycone_model_vg | A vertex generator based on a polycone geometry model |
Cpolycone_vg | A vertex generator based on the geometry of a 3D polycone |
Cright_circular_conical_frustrum | |
Csphere_model_vg | A vertex generator based on a spherical geometry model |
Csphere_vg | Vertex generator from a sphere |
Cspot_vertex_generator | Vertex generator from a single point |
Ctube_model_vg | A vertex generator based on a tube geometry model |
Ctube_vg | A vertex generator based on the geometry of a 3D tube |
Cutils | Utilities for vertex generators |
Cversion | Describe the genvtx API version and features |
►Cvertex_validation | The vertex validation |
Cgeometry_context | Object which embeds the geometry context of a given vertex |
Cvg_entry_type | |
Cvg_tools | |
Cweight_entry_type | Weight data for combined vertex generators |
Cweight_info | Information about the weighting of combined vertex generators |
►Ngeomtools | Top-level namespace of the Bayeux/geomtools module library |
►Nstl | Nested namespace of the Bayeux/geomtools module library (STereoLithography) |
Cfacet | A STL facet |
Csolid | A STL solid |
Cvertex | A STL vertex |
Caddress_set | A set of indexes representing subaddresses in a geometry ID (see geomtools::geom_id) |
►Cangular_range | Angular range |
Citerator | Forward iterator associated to an angular range |
►Cbase_hit | The base class for hit objects that locate events in a geometry model |
Chas_flag_predicate | Predicate that checks if the auxiliaries container stores some specific flag |
Chas_geom_id_predicate | Predicate that checks if the hit has some specific geometry ID |
Chas_hit_id_predicate | Predicate that checks if the hit has some specific ID |
Chas_key_predicate | Predicate that checks if the auxiliaries container stores some property with a specific key |
Chas_string_property_predicate | Predicate that checks if the auxiliaries container stores some property with a specific key |
Ci_measurement | Generic abstract interface for a measurement on a hit |
Cnegates_predicate | Predicate that negates another predicate |
Cbase_locator | |
Cblur_spot | A blur spot is a measurement hit that may represents a vertex with 1D, 2D or 3D dimension |
Cbounding_data | Bounding volume data for i_shape_3d derived solid shapes |
Cbox | The 3D shape model for a box |
Ccircle | A circular arc (1D shape) |
Cclassified_segment | A classified segment consists in a 3D segment with a first and a last point in an arbitrary reference frame and which is assigned a property that details if the segment lies inside a volume, outside a volume or is contained on the surface of a volume |
►Ccolor | Color |
Ccolor_db | Color register |
Cconstants | Color labels |
Ccontext | Color context object |
Ccomposite_surface | The abstract base class for all 2D shapes/surfaces |
Ccone | Cone utilities |
Cconstants | Some constants |
Ccylinder | The 3D shape model for a cylinder |
►Ccylindric_extrusion_boxed_model | A geometry model implementing a box with a cylindrical extrusion, open on both bottom and top faces of the box |
Cwires_drawer | Special wires 3D rendering |
Ccylindrical_sector | A spherical sector (2D shape) |
Cdisk | A disk/ring sector surface (2D shape) |
►Cdisplay_data | |
Cdisplay_entry | |
Cdisplay_item | |
Clabel_item | |
Cellipse | A circular arc (1D shape) |
Cellipsoid | The 3D shape model for an ellipsoid |
Cellipsoid_sector | The 2D shape/surface model for an ellipsoid sector |
Celliptical_cylinder | The 3D shape model for an elliptical cylinder |
Celliptical_cylinder_sector | The 2D shape/surface model for an elliptical cylinder sector |
Celliptical_sector | A elliptical_sector sector surface (2D shape) |
Cextruded_box | The 3D shape model for an extruded box |
►Cextruded_box_model | A geometry model implementing a box with a cylindrical extrusion |
Cwires_drawer | Special 3D rendering |
Cface_identifier | Identifier of a face attached to a solid shape |
Cface_info | Information about the nature and positioning of a face of the solid |
Cface_intercept_info | Hosts the parameters of |
Cfacet34 | A triangle or convex quadrangle facet of a tessellated solid |
Cfacet_segment | A segment associated to a facet |
Cfacet_vertex | A vertex (corner) of a triangle or quadrangle facet in a tessellated solid |
Cfilled_utils | |
Cfoot_point_on_quadric_finder | Marching method to find the foot point of a point on the surface of a quadric |
Cgdml_export | GDML export class |
►Cgdml_writer | GDML writer class used by the geomtools GDML export functionalities |
Cphysvol | Description of a physical volume |
Creplicavol | Description of a replica volume |
Cgeom_id | |
Cgeom_info | A record for geometry information about a physical volume in a virtual geometry |
Cgeom_map | |
Cgeometry_service | Generic geometry service |
Cgeomtools_driver | |
Cgeomtools_driver_params | |
►Cgnuplot_draw | Drawing primitives for various solid shapes |
Cxyz_range | A XYZ range used to record drawn points in an effective bounding box |
►Cgnuplot_drawer | An Gnuplot driver object responsible of the display of a virtual geometry |
Ccstream | Colored stream handle |
Cdd_entry | Storage entry for embedded display data |
Chas_dd_addr | Predicate that tests the address of a display data |
Crange | |
Cvisibility_rules | Visibility rules for 3D volume rendering |
Cgrid_model | A geometry model implementing a mother box volume with some daughter volumes positioned on a 2D grid |
Chas_geom_type_predicate | Predicate that tests if a geom_info object has a given geometry Id |
Chelix_3d | An helix (1D shape) in a 3D space |
Ci_base_locator | |
►Ci_composite_shape_3d | Base class for binary composite shapes |
Cshape_type | Record for a composite shape |
Ci_find_intercept | Abstract interface for all objects for which we can compute the intercept with a ray emitted from a point |
Ci_locator | |
Ci_model | The base class for geometry models |
►Ci_object_3d | Mother abstract class for all 3D object classes |
Ci_getter | Object 3D abstract getter class |
Cobject_entry | An entry that stores a 3D object |
Ci_placement | Abstract interface for all placement objects |
Ci_polygon | Polygon 2D shape |
Ci_shape_1d | The abstract base class for all 1D curves/shapes |
Ci_shape_2d | The abstract base class for all 2D shapes/surfaces |
Ci_shape_3d | Mother abstract class for all 3D solid shapes |
Ci_stackable | Abstract base stackable object |
Ci_wires_3d_rendering | Brief Abstract interface for objects that can describe themselves as a collection of polylines for 3D rendering |
Ci_wires_drawer | Base class for all shape drawer objects in wires mode |
►Cid_mgr | |
Ccategory_info | |
Cid_selector | A selector of geometry IDs using a specific geometry category |
Cintersection_3d | Intersection of two 3D shapes |
Cio | I/O constants for the serialization of vector(2D/3D) and rotation objects |
Cline_3d | An line/segment (1D shape) in a 3D space |
►Clogical_volume | A logical geometry volume (ala GDML) |
Clocate_result | Data structure resulting of the logical_volume::locate method |
►Cmanager | Geometry manager for virtual geometry modelling. Main geometry manager for the modelisation of various experimental setups in the framework of the nuclear and particle physics experiments |
Cbase_plugin | The geometry manager's plugin base class |
Cplugin_entry | Internal record plugin handling |
►Cmapping | The geometry ID mapping |
Cconstants | |
Cmapping_plugin | A geometry manager plugin with embeded mapping with its specific mapping rules |
Cmapping_utils | Mapping utilities |
Cmaterial | |
Cmaterials_plugin | A plugin for the geomtools' geometry manager that embeds an isotope/element/material manager |
Cmodel_factory | The factory of geometry models |
►Cmodel_with_internal_items_tools | Handler for internal items |
Citem_type | Internal item record |
►Cmodel_with_internal_mesh_data | Handler to add daughter volumes on a regular 3D mesh in a mother logical volume |
Cmesh_type | Mesh record |
Cmultiple_items_model | A geometry model implementing a simple box with several daughter volumes |
Cmultiple_placement | Multiple placement with an arbitrary collection of single placements addressed by index |
►Coverlapping | Volume overlapping detection algorithms |
Coverlap_info | Information about a detected overlap |
Creport | Overlapping search report |
Cphysical_volume | A physical geometry volume (ala GDML) |
►Cplacement | The placement for a geometry volume with its translation and rotation with respect to some mother reference frame |
Cbuilder | Construct a placement |
Cplane | A plane (2D shape) in a 3D space |
►Cplate_with_hole_model | A geometry model implementing a box/plate with cylindrical hole This class is similar to the geomtools::cylindric_extrusion_boxed_model class |
Cwires_drawer | Special wires 3D rendering |
Cpoint_on_quadric_finder | Marching method to find a point on the surface of a quadric |
►Cpolycone | Polycone 3D solid shape |
Cfrustrum_data | Data describing one frustrum |
Cr_min_max | Rmin/Rmax doublet |
►Cpolyhedra | Polyhedra 3D solid shape |
Cfrustrum_data | Data describing one frustrum |
Cr_min_max | |
Cpolyline_3d | A sequence of connected linear segments (3D) |
Cquadrangle | A quadrangle |
Cquadric | A general quadric a 3D space |
Crectangle | A rectangular surface (2D shape) |
Cregular_3d_mesh_placement | Regular 3D mesh placement of small daughter volumes with respect to a mother logical volume |
Cregular_circular_placement | Regular circular placement |
Cregular_grid_placement | |
Cregular_linear_placement | Regular linear placement |
Cregular_polygon | A regular polygon |
Creplicated_boxed_model | |
Creplicated_circular_model | |
Creplicated_model | |
Cright_circular_conical_frustrum | Right circular conical frustrum (3D shape) |
Cright_circular_conical_nappe | Right circular conical nappe (2D shape) |
Cright_polygonal_frustrum | Right polygonal frustrum (3D shape) |
Crotated_boxed_model | A geometry model implementing a box with an unique rotated boxed model |
Crotation_wrapper_type | Wrapper for rotation object |
►Csensitive | |
Cconstants | |
Cshape_factory | The factory of shapes |
Csimple_boxed_model | A geometry model implementing a single box with no daughter volumes |
►Csimple_polygon | A simple polygon in the XY plane |
Cwall_segment_type | Data for a wall segment |
Csimple_shaped_model | A geometry model implementing an unique simple 3D shape, possibly with internal/daughter volumes |
Csimple_world_model | A geometry model implementing a top-level/world box volume with an unique setup daughter volume |
Csmart_id_locator | Locator of geometry volumes by thier geometry Id |
Csphere | A spherical volume (3D solid) |
►Cspherical_extrusion_box_model | A box volume with a spherical extrusion |
Cwires_drawer | Special wires 3D rendering |
►Cspherical_extrusion_cylinder_model | A cylinder volume with a spherical extrusion |
Cwires_drawer | Special wires 3D rendering |
Cspherical_sector | A sperical sector (2D shape) |
Csplit_segment_wrt_shape | This algorithm splits a segment, a polyline or a collection of polylines in a sequence of smaller segments that are classified as inside, outside or on surface of a given shape |
Cstackable | Static methods and constants to handle stackable data/information |
Cstackable_data | Data for stacking along X, Y and/or Z axis |
►Cstacked_model | A geometry model with some stacked boxed models along a specific axis (X, Y or Z) |
Cstacked_item | |
Csubtraction_3d | Subtraction of two 3D shapes |
►Csurrounded_boxed_model | A geometry model with a boxed model surrounded by up to 6 other models |
Csurrounding_item | |
Ctessellated_solid | Tessellated solid made of facets |
Ctoroid_nappe | A toroid nappe (2D shape) |
Ctorus | The 3D shape model for a solid torus |
Ctriangle | A triangle |
Ctube | The 3D shape model for a tube |
Cunion_3d | Union of two 3D shapes |
Cversion | Describe the geomtools API version and features |
►Cvisibility | Utilities to manipulate visibility properties |
Cconstants | Constant strings/labels |
Cwall_solid | The 3D shape model for a wall solid |
►Nmaterials | Top-level namespace of the Bayeux/materials module library |
Cchemical_symbol | Utilities for chemical symbols |
Ccompound_entry | Material compound entry |
Celement | The description of an element |
Cfactory | Factory for isotopes, elements and materials |
Ciso_entry | Isotope composition entry |
►Cisotope | A simple class to handle known isotopes (ZAI) and their basic properties (mass & decays) |
Cid | The identifier for an isotope based on its Z and A>=Z numbers |
Crecord_type | Isotope record from AME table |
Cmanager | The manager object for isotopes, elements and materials |
Cmaterial | The description of a material |
Cmaterials_driver | Driver for materials |
Cmaterials_driver_params | Parameters for the material driver |
Crefractive_index | Compute the refractive index or the extinction coefficient for a given medium |
Csmart_ref | A handler object that is used as a smart reference for an object of which it can have the responsibility of the deletion |
Cversion | Describe the materials API version and features |
►Nmctools | |
►Nbiasing | |
Cpoint_of_interest | A point of interest (POI) in the geometry |
►Cprimary_event_bias | Biasing algorithm used at primary event generation |
Cbiasing_info | Biasing information associated to a biased primary event |
Cpoi_entry_type | Dictionary of points of interest |
Cstat_record | Record counters |
►Ndigitization | |
Ci_adc | A simple linear ADC (Analog Digital Converter) |
Csampled_signal | A simple linear ADC (Analog/Digital Converter) |
Csimple_linear_adc | A simple linear ADC (Analog/Digital Converter) |
►Ng4 | |
Cg4_prng | |
Cloggable_support | Base class with logging support |
Cmanager | The Geant4 simulation manager |
Cmanager_parameters | The set of parameters for the Geant4 simulation manager |
Csimulation_module | The Geant4 simulation module based on Bayeux/dpp API |
►Ctrack_history | Recording of tracks history |
Ctrack_info | Recording of informations about a single track |
►Nsignal | |
Cbase_signal | Abstract base class representing an analog signal associated to a hit detector |
Cmulti_signal_shape | A signal shape made of the superposition of other signal shapes, arbitrarily scaled and shifted |
Csignal_data | The container of collections of modelled analog signals |
Csignal_shape_builder | A signal shape builder/factory |
Ctriangle_gate_signal_shape | Triangular gate signal shape |
Ctriangle_signal_shape | Triangular signal shape |
Cbase_step_hit | The base class for all Monte-Carlo (MC) hit objects |
Cbase_step_hit_processor | |
Ccalorimeter_step_hit_processor | |
Cevent_utils | |
Cfluence_step_hit_processor | |
Chit_utils | |
Cio_utils | |
Ckill_all_step_hit_processor | |
Cpush_all_step_hit_processor | |
Csensitive_utils | |
Csimulated_data | The container of collections of MC hits |
Csimulated_data_input_module | Simulation data input module |
Csimulated_data_reader | Reader class for simulated data record |
►Cstep_hit_processor_factory | The factory responsible of the step hit processors |
Cprocessor_entry_type | A processor entry in the factory's embedded dictionary |
Ctrack_utils | |
Cversion | Describe the mctools API version and features |
►Nmy | User namespace for the algo class |
Calgo | A simple configurable algorithm class |
►Nmygsl | Top-level namespace of the Bayeux/mygsl module library |
►Nconstants | Nested namespace of the Bayeux/mygsl module library (constants) |
Ccgsm | CSGM system of units and constants |
Cmksa | MKSA system of units and constants |
Cnum | Units prefixes and constants |
Carithmetic_mean | Arithmetic mean computing algorithm |
Cbase_sampling | Base class for all sampling models |
Cbest_value | A data structure representing a numeric value and its associated error |
Ccomposite_function | Composite function |
►Cconvolution_function | Convolution function |
Cconvolution_term | Interface parameters for GSL function |
Cdatapoint | A serializable (x,y,sigma(y)) triplet |
Cerror | GSL error handling |
Cfft_real | Fast Fourier transform algorithm |
Cfunction_with_domain | Function with interval/domain of definition |
Cfunctor_factory | Factory of functors |
Cgate_function | Gate function |
Cgauss_kernel_smoother | Gauss kernel smoother |
Cgaussian_function | Gaussian function |
Cgompertz_function | Gompertz function |
Cheaviside_function | |
►Chistogram | One dimensional histogram |
Cpdf | PDF associated to a one dimensional histogram |
►Chistogram_2d | Two dimensional histogram |
Cpdf | |
►Chistogram_pool | A pool of histograms |
Chistogram_entry_type | Simple structure related to histogram attributes |
Ci_kernel_smoother | Kernel smoother interface |
Ci_unary_function | Abstract interface for unary functions : R -> R |
Ci_unary_function_with_derivative | Abstract interface for unary functions with derivative |
Ci_unary_function_with_parameters | Abstract interface for unary functions with derivative |
Cidentity_function | The identity function |
Cinterval | An interval with real bounds |
Cioutils | |
CIstreamManipulatorRef | |
Clinear_combination_function | A linear combination function |
►Clinear_regression | The linear regression algorithm |
Cfit_data | The serializable result data of the linear regression algorithm |
Cfunction | A linear regression fit function |
Clinear_sampling | Linear sampling model |
Clinear_system_solver | Brief Linear system solver algorithm |
Clogistic_function | Logistic function |
Cmin_max | Record the min and max values from a set of values |
Cmulti_eval | Abstract functor from a R^n space to R |
►Cmultidimensional_minimization | Multidimensional minimization algorithm |
Cat_step_action | |
Cdefault_step_action | |
►Cmultidimensional_minimization_system | System for multidimensional minimization algorithm |
Cfunc_eval_f_param | |
►Cmultimin | |
Cat_step_action | |
Cdefault_step_action | |
►Cmultimin_system | |
Cparam_entry | |
Cparam_has_name | |
Cparam_is_auto | |
Cparam_is_fixed | |
Cparam_is_free | |
Cmultiparameter_system | System with several parameters |
Cmultiparameter_system_test | |
Cnw_sampled_function_smoother | Nadaraya-Watson kernel-weigthed average functor |
►Code_driver | |
Cat_step_action | |
Cdefault_step_action | |
Code_system | System for ODE solving |
►Cone_dimensional_minimization | One dimensional minimization algorithm |
Cat_step_action | |
Cdefault_step_action | |
►Cone_dimensional_root_solver | One dimensional root solver algorithm |
Cat_step_action | |
Cdefault_step_action | |
COstreamManipulator | |
Cparam_entry | |
Cparam_has_name | |
Cparam_is_auto | |
Cparam_is_const | |
Cparam_is_free | |
Cparam_ptr_has_name | |
►Cparameter_store | Store of parameters |
Ci_subscriber | Subscriber |
Cparameter_record | Parameter record |
Cpermutation | |
Cplain_function_entry | |
Cplain_function_wrapper | Wrapper for C/C++ plain function with signature 'double (*)(double)' |
►Cpolynomial | A real polynomial of arbitrary degree |
Csolver | |
►Cprng_state_manager | A manager that can store the internal states associated to a set of PRNGs addressed with some labels |
Crecord | Internal record that store the internal state of a PRNG |
Cproduct_function | Product function |
Crandom_utils | |
Crectangular_function | Rectangular function (unit pulse) |
Crng | Pseudo random number generator |
Csampling | Constants and resources used for sampling |
Cseed_manager | |
Ctabulated_function | Tabulated function |
Ctabulated_sampling | Tabulated sampling model |
Ctriangle_function | General asymmetric triangle function |
Cunary_eval_from_multi | |
Cunary_function_handle | Smart handle to an unary function object |
Cunary_function_promoted_with_numeric_derivative | Unary functions wrapper that adds numeric derivative |
Cversion | Describe the mygsl API version and features |
Cvon_neumann_method | Von Neumann's rejection method for one dimensional PDF |
Cweighted_mean | Weighted mean computing algorithm |
Czero_function | The zero function |
Cbrio_record | The internal ROOT I/O record class |
CGnuplot | |
CGnuplotException | |
CTArrayCMod | The internal ROOT I/O buffer of bytes |