Bayeux  3.4.1
Core Foundation library for SuperNEMO
Namespaces | Enumerations | Functions
genbbsub.h File Reference
#include <string>
#include <cmath>

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 Top-level namespace of the Bayeux/mygsl module library.
 Top-level namespace of the Bayeux/genbb_help module library.
 Nested namespace of the Bayeux/genbb_help module library (decay0 C++ port)


enum  genbb::decay0::genbbsub_i2bbs_type { genbb::decay0::GENBBSUB_I2BBS_DBD = 1, genbb::decay0::GENBBSUB_I2BBS_BACKGROUND = 2 }
enum  genbb::decay0::genbbsub_start_type { genbb::decay0::GENBBSUB_ISTART_INIT = -1, genbb::decay0::GENBBSUB_ISTART_INIT_GENERATE_ONE = 0, genbb::decay0::GENBBSUB_ISTART_GENERATE = 1 }


void genbb::decay0::genbbsub (mygsl::rng &prng_, primary_event &event_, int i2bbs_, const std::string &chnuclide_, int ilevel_, int modebb_, int istart_, int &ier_, bbpars &bb_params_)
 Main decay0 C++ port interface function. More...