Bayeux  3.4.1
Core Foundation library for SuperNEMO
Namespaces | Functions
geom_manager_utils.h File Reference
#include <string>

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 Top-level namespace of the Bayeux/materials module library.
 Top-level namespace of the Bayeux/geomtools module library.
 Top-level namespace of the Bayeux/genvtx module library.
 Nested private namespace of the Bayeux/genvtx module library (detail)


const materials::managergenvtx::detail::access_materials_manager (const geomtools::manager &geo_mgr_, const std::string &materials_plugin_name_="materials_driver")
const geomtools::mappinggenvtx::detail::access_geometry_mapping (const geomtools::manager &geo_mgr_, const std::string &mapping_plugin_name_="")