Huge congratulations to SuperNEMO and NEMO-3 collaborator Professor Dr.rer.nat. Fedor Šimkovic, CSc, who has won the ESET Science Award, sponsored by the Slovak company ESET.

Fedor with his award

Slovak prize-winner Fedor Simkovic

Fedor, of Comenius University in Bratislava, was chosen as the “Outstanding individual contributor to Slovak science 2020”, by an international committee headed by Nobel laureate Kip Thorne. The award was announced in a ceremony on October 14th, 2020.

The award is granted to an individual whose work results in the past 10 years have contributed exceptionally to highlighting Slovak science in the European or global science area, and which have a remarkable actual or potential impact on other aspects of the Slovak society.

Fedor was honoured for his work on developing neutrino physics in Slovakia and Czechia. As a world expert on the theory of neutrinoless double-beta decay, his dream is to use SuperNEMO data to make important discoveries in nuclear and particle physics. Fedor - we share your dream and are very glad that you are working with us. Congratulations once again!