For collaborators
Current newsletter: September 2019
(added on 23 September 2019)
Welcome back to the SuperNEMO Newsletter. We hope you all had a nice summer, and are ready to roll up your sleeves to get the detector running!
Recent Integration Progress
- OMs: All on-detector cabling has now been completed including X-Wall and Veto OMs.
- Light Injection System: has been installed and all optical fibres routed to optical modules (apart for the top Italian 5” row where blocs need to be drilled) . 4/8 reference OMs have been installed. Some work remains to install the reference radioactive sources, but the system is up and running has been used to help the calorimeter commissioning.
- Tracker cabling is complete, apart from the mountain-side external cables which are not yet installed in order to maintain easier access to the detector. Connections to the patchpanel have started.
- Gas-sealing has taken place, mainly on the French calorimeter main wall. Leak rates have been substantially reduced, but we still have some way to go before we have a sufficiently well-sealed gas-volume inside the tracker.
- Magnetic shields of the XV and VETO have been installed
- Calo FEB have been delivered and tested (including reflectometry + data readout checking). 7 caloFEB are at LAL for trigger testing.
- New scaffolding has been installed in front of the Italian MW (all the MW OM are accessible).
Recent Integration Challenges
- Week 40: final XV & VETO optical module testing.
- October: insertion of an endoscope through the calibration windows to visualise the inside of the detector after the sagging discovery.
- October/November: tracker HV installation & final cable plugging operations.
- October/November: tracker commissioning with HV.
- Final Gas leak checking: we still need a lot of help with this critical task. Please volunteer for this! Even with no prior experience, it will be extremely helpful to offer your time for this task.
Next weeks @ LSM (Need help !)
- Week 40: final XV & VETO optical module testing.
- October: insertion of an endoscope through the calibration windows to visualise the inside of the detector after the sagging discovery.
- October/November: tracker HV installation & final cable plugging operations.
- October/November: tracker commissioning with HV.
- Final Gas leak checking: we still need a lot of help with this critical task. Please volunteer for this! Even with no prior experience, it will be extremely helpful to offer your time for this task.
Shielding, coil, Anti-Rn tent
- Iron shielding: A quotation has been received from China. While less expensive than previous offers, half of the budget is missing. Several options are being investigated with Dubna and Prague to fix the issue with extra funding and/or machining outside China.
- Neutron shielding: 150 plates of pure polyethylene (validated with HPGe measurements performed this summer) have been produced in the Czech Republic and will be delivered to LSM in the next weeks.
- Coil has being pre-assembled at LAL last week (38) and will be installed at LSM starting week 47 (if green light from TB, i.e. if access to the detector is no longer required).
- Anti-Rn tent: HPGe measurements are in progress to validate the black PMMA plates.
- A lot of work has been done to characterize the OM (gain, baseline, timing…)
- A series of Co-60 source runs with the calorimeter ON have been performed this summer for commissioning and timing calibration studies.
- Data with the LI system have also been acquired.
Software & Analysis
- Regular analysis meetings are taking place: the last one was on 12th September 2019. Please plan on presenting an update on your analysis - contact Cheryl & Manu.
- A lot of work on the software infrastructure has taken place. The latest milestone is the release of Falaise 4.
- A dedicated effort is now needed on the calibration/reconstruction as well as on data quality and databases, getting ready for full data-taking.
- Need to implement new simulation features: bb source geometry, 7x6 calibration sources …
- An analysis workshop will be held before the Bordeaux collaboration meeting, on 15th October. Please plan on attending, where you can learn about and practice on the latest software developments for simulation and commissioning data analysis.
- Yves is now based at LSM. This will greatly improve the smooth running of operations at LSM.
- For planning purposes, please remember to inform the DOG group (Alessandro & Yves) of your plans, 1 month in advance.
- To Ashwin Chopra (UCL) for successfully defending his thesis on 1st May 2019.
- To Xin Ran Liu (UCL) for winning an Institute of Physics prize for this thesis on 9th April 2019.
- To Yves and his family for the arrival of baby Augustin on 14th August 2019!
Save the date!
- The next collaboration meeting runs from 16-18th October near Bordeaux (with a pre-meeting analysis workshop on 15th October). Please [register ASAP] (
September 2019
(added on 23 September 2019)
Welcome back to the SuperNEMO Newsletter. We hope you all had a nice summer, and are ready to roll up your sleeves to get the detector running!
Recent Integration Progress
- OMs: All on-detector cabling has now been completed including X-Wall and Veto OMs.
- Light Injection System: has been installed and all optical fibres routed to optical modules (apart for the top Italian 5” row where blocs need to be drilled) . 4/8 reference OMs have been installed. Some work remains to install the reference radioactive sources, but the system is up and running has been used to help the calorimeter commissioning.
- Tracker cabling is complete, apart from the mountain-side external cables which are not yet installed in order to maintain easier access to the detector. Connections to the patchpanel have started.
- Gas-sealing has taken place, mainly on the French calorimeter main wall. Leak rates have been substantially reduced, but we still have some way to go before we have a sufficiently well-sealed gas-volume inside the tracker.
- Magnetic shields of the XV and VETO have been installed
- Calo FEB have been delivered and tested (including reflectometry + data readout checking). 7 caloFEB are at LAL for trigger testing.
- New scaffolding has been installed in front of the Italian MW (all the MW OM are accessible).
Recent Integration Challenges
- Week 40: final XV & VETO optical module testing.
- October: insertion of an endoscope through the calibration windows to visualise the inside of the detector after the sagging discovery.
- October/November: tracker HV installation & final cable plugging operations.
- October/November: tracker commissioning with HV.
- Final Gas leak checking: we still need a lot of help with this critical task. Please volunteer for this! Even with no prior experience, it will be extremely helpful to offer your time for this task.
Next weeks @ LSM (Need help !)
- Week 40: final XV & VETO optical module testing.
- October: insertion of an endoscope through the calibration windows to visualise the inside of the detector after the sagging discovery.
- October/November: tracker HV installation & final cable plugging operations.
- October/November: tracker commissioning with HV.
- Final Gas leak checking: we still need a lot of help with this critical task. Please volunteer for this! Even with no prior experience, it will be extremely helpful to offer your time for this task.
Shielding, coil, Anti-Rn tent
- Iron shielding: A quotation has been received from China. While less expensive than previous offers, half of the budget is missing. Several options are being investigated with Dubna and Prague to fix the issue with extra funding and/or machining outside China.
- Neutron shielding: 150 plates of pure polyethylene (validated with HPGe measurements performed this summer) have been produced in the Czech Republic and will be delivered to LSM in the next weeks.
- Coil has being pre-assembled at LAL last week (38) and will be installed at LSM starting week 47 (if green light from TB, i.e. if access to the detector is no longer required).
- Anti-Rn tent: HPGe measurements are in progress to validate the black PMMA plates.
- A lot of work has been done to characterize the OM (gain, baseline, timing…)
- A series of Co-60 source runs with the calorimeter ON have been performed this summer for commissioning and timing calibration studies.
- Data with the LI system have also been acquired.
Software & Analysis
- Regular analysis meetings are taking place: the last one was on 12th September 2019. Please plan on presenting an update on your analysis - contact Cheryl & Manu.
- A lot of work on the software infrastructure has taken place. The latest milestone is the release of Falaise 4.
- A dedicated effort is now needed on the calibration/reconstruction as well as on data quality and databases, getting ready for full data-taking.
- Need to implement new simulation features: bb source geometry, 7x6 calibration sources …
- An analysis workshop will be held before the Bordeaux collaboration meeting, on 15th October. Please plan on attending, where you can learn about and practice on the latest software developments for simulation and commissioning data analysis.
- Yves is now based at LSM. This will greatly improve the smooth running of operations at LSM.
- For planning purposes, please remember to inform the DOG group (Alessandro & Yves) of your plans, 1 month in advance.
- To Ashwin Chopra (UCL) for successfully defending his thesis on 1st May 2019.
- To Xin Ran Liu (UCL) for winning an Institute of Physics prize for this thesis on 9th April 2019.
- To Yves and his family for the arrival of baby Augustin on 14th August 2019!
Save the date!
- The next collaboration meeting runs from 16-18th October near Bordeaux (with a pre-meeting analysis workshop on 15th October). Please [register ASAP] (
Previous newsletters
January/February 2019
(added on 06 March 2019)
A huge amount of work has been completed since the New Year. Many thanks to everyone involved in these operations.
- All the HV and signal cables have been produced.
- MW Calorimeter cabling:
- French HV + signal (internal & external) + fibers + ground : DONE
- Italian HV + signal (internal & external) + fibers : DONE (except HV and Fibers top 5”)
- XW & VETO cabling is well underway
- Tracker cabling
- French & Italian internal cabling is almost DONE
- Patch panels
- all the 4 panels have been installed
Other integration activities
- Slow-control : OPC-UA server has been delivered to LSM
- The clean room SAS has been reduced to free some space for other experiments
- Tracker external cable trays have been installed
- 90% of stycast operations have been performed on the Italian calorimeter wall
- The new scaffolding has been installed in front of the Italian MW (all the OM are accessible).
- Magnetic shields of the XV and VETO have been installed
- Calo FEB have been delivered and tested (including reflectometry checking)
Next weeks @ LSM (Need help!)
- Finish the XV & VETO cabling
- Finish the Italian 5” MW cabling (HV and fibers)
- Gas leak checking will be the main challenging operation for the next several weeks.
- Test of the LI system will start on the french MW (8 reference OM have to been provided by UCL and CENBG)
- First Italian wall commissioning will be performed
- French PM gain will be aligned
- Gamma Shielding: final iron design completed, detailed drawings are being prepared for validation at the Annecy meeting
- Neutron Shielding: final dimensions have been provided for the top & botton and is now managed by our Slovak colleagues. Discussions are still in process for the lateral parts with Czech colleagues (PE) and a UK Cie (water tanks)
- Anti-radon tent: final design is done. Radiopurity test of soldering will be done soon.
- Coil & magnetic field: pre-mounting of the coil is planned week 12 by LPC-Caen at LAL for final installation in May at LSM.
- Anti-Rn air : a new plant will be installed at LSM. Meeting with LPSC-Grenoble/LSM is planned on Wed. 27th March.
- 4 runs with the French calorimeter have been taken.
- Analysis of the commissioning data is underway (noise, gain, reflectometry, pulse shape)
Software & Analysis
- The last analysis meeting was held on 7th February (minutes on docdb #4811), and next one is scheduled this week on 7th March.
- A 1/2-day analysis workshop will be held before LAPP collaboration meeting (26th March afternoon) to train analysers with Falaise software and CC/IN2P3 system.
- Miroslav Macko for defending his PhD! Many thanks for your contribution to the experiment and best wishes for the future!
Save the date!
- The next collaboration meeting will be Week 13 from 26 March 2019 afternoon (analysis workshop) to 29 March 2019 noon. Register asap & thank you to the LAPP staff for the organisation !
Autumn 2018
(added on 23 November 2018)
Integration Milestones
A huge thanks to everyone involved in the following major milestones:
- The detector is closed! (see photograph to the left).
- Before closing, work was performed to repair tracker harnesses, optical modules and the replacement of the Nylon film in front of the calorimeter.
- A final check of the source deployment system confirmed that everything is still aligned following the attachment of the Italian tracker.
- All source foils were installed in September, and this week a 3D camera survey of the source foil has been performed: now there’s a big job for our software experts to describe the geometry in our simulation package!
- Almost half of the detector is now cabled (see photograph below).
Next weeks @ LSM
- Week 48: mainly tracker electronics work and further calorimeter work.
- Week 49: another busy week at LSM, with calorimeter electronics tests including initial data-taking with the French main wall, in parallel with preparations for gas leak-checking.
Next steps for the Experiment
- Gas-tightness: this is one of the biggest challenges we now face. We have started to discuss the strategy, but we will need help from many people.
- Cabling: a big task remains, especially the external cabling from the patch panels to the electronics racks for the tracker.
- Shielding: we need to finalise the design so that quotations can be obtained. A significant fraction of the funding is now secured, thanks to the help of our Dubna colleagues.
- Anti-radon tent: the design is complete, and the initial results on the materials look promising (Doc-DB 4771)
- Coil & magnetic field: plans for the coil installation need to be finalised. Magnetic shields need to be installed on X-Wall and Veto optical modules.
- Electronics, trigger & DAQ. Most of the hardware will soon be in place @ LSM, but a lot of work will be required to commission the full readout chain.
- Gas recirculation system. A useful meeting with ATEKO took place in Prague and we hope to see designs for this system soon.
Software and Analysis
- Manu (Cheryl) has now taken over as chair (deputy) of the Analysis Board. Many thanks to Yorck for his work leading this effort over the last 2 years.
- The last analysis meeting was held on 22nd November (minutes to be posted shortly).
- Ongoing studies : measuring backgrounds, shielding, gA, magnetic field, machine learning techniques, etc.
- Challenges for the near future will be to describe our real (not ideal!) detector including geometry from surveys, channel-by-channel efficiencies & resolutions, etc.
- The Speakers Bureau and Publication Board membership has been renewed: Cheryl & Laurent will join the spokespersons, Ivan & Serge, with Karol in the chair. Many thanks to former members including Fabrice, Ruben & Jenny.
- LSM procedures are still developing under the new management of LPSC Grenoble. We will keep you informed of developments.
- For planning purposes, please remember to inform the DOG group (Alessandro & Yves) of your plans, 1 month in advance.
- Jenny Thomas & Stefan Soldner-Rembold for winning prestigious UK Institute of Physics prizes (the Faraday and Chadwick prizes, respectively).
- Delphine Boursette and Guillaume Oliviero for passing their PhD vivas. Many thanks for all their contributions and we wish them all the best for the future!
Save the date !
- The next collaboration meeting will be Week 13 (beginning 25 March 2019) or Week 16 (beginning 15 April 2019). Exact dates and location TBC (soon).
June/July 2018
(added on 31 July 2018)
Integration @ LSM
- New plumb bobs and nests for the calibration deployment system have been installed and the first tests are successful.
- Tracker cabling : the first 16 tracker cable harnesses have been installed between the tracker feedthroughs and the patch panel.
- Gas sealing operations have been performed on the Italian calorimeter wall : nylon strips have been Stycast-ed on the back of the calorimeter bricks.
- Inspection of the nylon Italian film has demonstrated that it must be replaced. This operation will be done after the detector closure when the Italian calorimeter will be accessible again.
- Main French patch panels (both tunnel and mountain sides) and cable trunking has been installed.
- The Italian tracker and calorimeter frames have been moved back for the Bi calibration operations and the upcoming source foil installation.
Next operations @ LSM
- Final testing & verification of the calibration deployment system.
- Installation of the source foils (including removal of the tracker protection) weeks 37 and 38.
- Final testing of the calibration deployment system with the foils in place : week 38.
- Closure of the detector week 39 : sealing of the 2 tracker frames with the source frame.
Electronics, Trigger & DAQ
- Electronics commissioning at Manchester (week 26) from FEB to Trigger board has been successful.
- Ethernet routing has been designed (need further inputs from Tracker/LI/AD).
- Production of the calorimeter cables is in progress.
- Electronics rack equipment is being shipped to LSM.
- CMS commissioning started – VIRE-CMS communication checked.
Radon Tent/Gas-System
- Opaque materials are investigated (for mechanical and radiopurity concerns) to wrap (or build) the radon tent in order to be able to operate the detector in dark conditions for the period without shielding.
- A dedicated meeting on the gas recirculation system should be organised with ATEKO (Prague) during or just after the collaboration meeting.
- A meeting with MRP-SYSTEM for the water tank option was held the 6th of July. Our mechanical constraints (particularly the 6 m height) are compatible with their system. Quotations for different thickness are under way.
- Results of simulations have confirmed that 160 cm of water are equivalent to 18 cm of iron for the gamma shielding and would be sufficient for both neutron and gamma backgrounds.
- Because of lack of space, this thickness of water cannot be installed all around the detector. Additional iron plates must be provided - suppliers are being investigated.
Calibration source characterisation
- The measurement of the 214-Bi sources with a high precision germanium detector has started in Bordeaux. Sources will be sent back to Modane week 35.
- New simulations with 7 sources per line for a total of 7x6 = 42 sources have been performed to evaluate the gain on the calibration accuracy and to determine the optimal positions. This proposal will be submitted to the collaboration after it has been exercised at Modane to evaluate the mechanical impact on the deployment system.
- Permanent installation (into the calibration lines) of the two available sources of 90-Sr (in place of two 214-Bi source) is also under consideration.
MC & Analysis
- Last analysis meeting held on 21 June 2018 (Minutes on DocDB 4679).
- Falaise 3.3.0 was released (with enhanced event generators) .
- Most of the MCC 2.0 samples were produced and are available at CCIN2P3 .
- Ongoing studies : shielding, gA, Magnetic field, Nd/Se, gamma tracking, energy corrections, calibrations…
Future Strategy Committee
- Last meeting held on 05 July (Minutes on DocDB 4678).
- First version of the FSC report has been reviewed.
- Short-term strategy will be completed particularly with the sensitivity on gA (ongoing study).
- Longer-term strategy started being discussed.
- Since the 1st of July, the new director of the LSM is Arnaud Lucotte. Fabrice is the scientific director of the laboratory.
- Christophe Vescovi is the person in charge for following up SuperNEMO and becomes our new technical contact person.
- Michel Zampaolo is still our administrative contact person.
- This management organisation may evolve until beginning of next year.
TB approval
- New calorimeter signal cable lengths (DocDB-4682) has been approved.
- A committee has been formed to review the selenium purification paper (DocDB-4569).
Save the date !
- Next collaboration meeting in Prague : October 2nd (morning) - 4th (noon).
May/June 2018
(added on 13 June 2018)
Integration @ LSM
- The source foil installation procedure has been successfully tested with mockup foils. It has shown that the operation should be faster than initially scheduled (less than 15 days for all the foils).
- The Italian tracker has been moved close to the source frame (approx 10cm) in order to allow the access to the Italian calorimeter wall for nylon repair and gas tightness checking. It will be moved back for the calibration system tests.
- Cabling operations have started since end of May with the platform preparation (cleaning, rails). The HV and signal cabling of the tracker is ongoing.
Next operations @ LSM
- Tracker cabling will continue through June.
- The new nests and plumb bobs of the source calibration system will be installed and tested in July.
- Electronics commissioning will begin end of June (full stream: TFEB+CFEB+CB+TB)
- Rn and He tightness operations are planed on the Italian calorimeter end of June and July.
- Calorimeter cabling will start end of June and continuing in September.
- DBD source foils will be installed in August.
- Detector closure will follow.
Electronics, Trigger & DAQ
- A status report meeting has been held on May 30th. The report document is accessible on DocDb-4671.
- Board production is complete.
- Calo & Tracker HV are undergoing testing.
- CMS, UseCase + software have to be done with the help of all sub-detector experts.
- Tracker electronics commissioning will take place in Week 26 at Manchester using the test tank.
Radon Tent/Gas-System
- The final design of the patch panel has been adopted. Its manufacturing is now in progress (delivery Week 26).
- The possibility to use large water tanks for the sides of the detector is being investigated (mechanical studies).
- Iron and Polyethylene (with and without boron) are considered for the top and bottom of the detector.
Calibration source characterisation
- 41 sources of Bi-207 have been sent from LSM to CENBG to measure their activity with a high precision germanium detector (efficiency accuracy of 0.15%).
- The electron energy spectra of these sources will also be measured with a thick silicon diode.
MC & Analysis
- Falaise 3.3.0 providing new versatile particle generator and extra vertex generator has been provided.
- Most of the Monte-Carlo MMC2 (see list on DocDb 4522) was produced and will be released end of June.
Future Strategy Committee
- Last meeting held on May 29th (minutes accessible on DocDb-4669).
- A first draft summarising the short-term strategy investigated so far will circulate within the FSC in July in order to be presented to the whole collaboration in September.
- The long-term strategy will be covered in the next meetings. Rough estimation of the SuperNEMO requirements to reach the IH scheme will serve as a basis for the discussion.
- Theoretical challenges (gA,…) encouraged by continuing meetings with theorists (F. Simkovic, S. Stoica, J. Suhonen).
- Alessandro Minotti and Yves Lemière have been appointed for the co-coordination of the Detector Operation (DO) group.
SuperNEMO @ Neutrino-2018
- Many collaborators met in Heidelberg last week for Neutrino-2018. The 5 NEMO-3/SuperNEMO posters were very well received and were one of the larger contributions from any 0vbb experiment.
Save the date !
- Analysis meeting : June 21st 3:00 pm (CET time)
- Future Strategy Committee : June 27th 3:30 pm (CET time)
- Next collaboration meeting in Prague : October 2nd (morning) - 4th (noon).
Internal documentation
For technical notes etc, see DocDB. To set up an account:
- To sign up, click here
- Go to the main database link
- Select link private NEMO documents
- Use your name and password (created in step 1) to log in
- Add yourself as an author
Next time you log in you can upload documents! Just follow the active options. For security reasons, in about a week, we will certify all new user requests ~24 hrs to be able to upload docs. If you have problems, send an email message to the administrator.
SuperNEMO wiki
The SuperNEMO wiki is hosted at LPC Caen and holds up-to-date information about the status of integration, committees, and analyses. You can get a login from Yves or Francois.
Software and computing
Working with the SuperNEMO software
All software is available under SuperNEMO-DBD
The main software package for offline work is Falaise. A guide to installing Falaise on Linux and macOS platforms is available through the dedicated Homebrew package manager and repo A starter guide to the core simulation, reconstruction and analysis tools available in Falaise can be found here.
Please note that the documentation is always under development, so feature requests
or contributions are welcome. For installation related issues when using brew
use the SuperNEMO Brew Issue Tracker.
For all issues relating to using Falaise, or installing/developing it locally, raise an issue on the
Falaise tracker
Getting an account on the CCLyon computing cluster
The CCLyon computing cluster is where our data and large simulation samples are stored. There are installations of the SuperNEMO software available on CCLyon. You’ll need to get an account to use it.
To create your CC-IN2P3 user account, please follow the procedure below:
- read the Charters for the use of resources (the account creation or submission of a creation request implies acceptance of the charters),
- go to the Identity Management Portal and select the “Sign up” button,
- fill in the required information (using eduGAIN will make this task easier) and follow the instructions you’ll receive by e-mail.
Once the account has been created, an access with the same identifier is provisioned on our Helpdesk.
If your CCLyon account is expiring
Periodically, you will receive a notification inviting you to confirm the information associated to your profile. To extend your account activity, please follow the steps below:
- click on the link provided on the red banner in your Identity Management Portal profile,
- follow the procedure to verify your e-mail address and click on the link you will receive by e-mail,
- verify that the information associated with your account (if necessary, update it) and confirm that you have read the Charters concerning the use of resources.
Using CCLyon
Here are some instructions for logging onto CCLyon and getting started with the batch system that enables you to submit large jobs to the distributed computing cluster.
Website development
This site uses GitHub Pages to create a static website. It uses the following tools and techniques:
- Jekyll as the site generation engine
- GitHub Pages for hosting
- GFM and Kramdown for writing/parsing text
- MathJax for rendering math
Building locally
The website generated by Jekyll can be built and served locally to test changes without making commits upstream. Note that GitHub Pages has a soft limit of 10 rebuilds per hour. Provided you have an install of Ruby 2 or better, including the development headers and library, the workflow is:
$ git clone
$ cd
$ ./snjekyll serve
The last command will download and setup the local Jekyll instance, and start a local isolated webserver at
. Simply point your favoured browser to this address to view the generated site.
The server runs in the foreground and watches the site sources for changes (for example,
). When a file changes, the server will rebuild the site automatically, so simply refresh your browser to see the resultant regenerated site. For example, try making some changes to
. The server may be shutdown at any point using Ctrl-C
Further information on tasks available from snjekyll
can be seen by running
$ ./snjekyll help
Alternately, if you already have a custom Ruby install, e.g. with Home/Linuxbrew you can do
$ git clone
$ cd
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec jekyll serve
In both workflows, the xz
package installed by Home/Linuxbrew is not compatible with the nokogiri
gem required by Jekyll, and will cause compiliation of the gem to fail. snjekyll
will issue a warning about this, but will not take further action. To work around this issue, either do brew unlink xz
or remove Home/Linuxbrew settings from your environment. The latter may not be possible if you have Homebrew installed in /usr/local
Can we use MathJax and \(\LaTeX\)?
MathJax can support inline math, e.g. \(1/x^2\), and block equations:
\[e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0\]like the above. Numbered equations, using the AMS math environment:
\[\begin{equation} E = mc^2 \label{einstein} \end{equation}\]This should allow a reference (see Equation \(\eqref{einstein}\)) to be inserted.
Can we use code blocks?
Here’s C++:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::cout << "Hello World\n";
and some Python:
import os
print('Hello World')
Support or Contact
Having trouble with Pages? Check out our documentation or contact support and we’ll help you sort it out.
Working at LSM
As we prepare to take data, everyone is welcome and needed at LSM. You’ll also all need to come here for your first shift! Here are some hints to ensure your trip is drama-free. If you have questions travel to LSM, contact Manu or Andrea.
Before you travel
- Read the LSM user guide in English or French. This includes details of the documents that any non-CNRS users need to send to LSM admin, including a scan of an ID document and a stamped and signed employer declaration.
- Read, sign and date the Code of conduct and send it to Silvia Scorza
- Make sure Manu and Andrea know when you are coming and which days you will be able to go underground at least 1 week in advance, so that they can add you to the LSM calendar and arrange for a driver. If you would like to eat lunch underground, let them know - but it can’t be guaranteed, as it depends on driver schedules.
Going underground
The cars going to the underground lab leave at 8:30am each day, so be sure to arrive at the surface lab on time. If you plan to stay all day, bring your own lunch - there’s a fridge, microwave, kettle and espresso machine underground, as well as clean drinking water (in bottles). You’ll need an approved driver to stay with you, so if no SuperNEMO driver will stay underground, you will need to negotiate with LSM.
If you are not eating lunch underground, you will leave for lunch on the surface by 11:30am. If returning to the tunnel for the afternoon, departure will be 1:30pm from the surface lab.
If you’re staying late, you’ll need to get permission from the lab management - your driver should be able to help you. The LSM drivers normally leave the underground lab for the evening at around 4:30 or 5pm, but if you have a SuperNEMO driver, you might be able to stay later.
Before you go underground for the first time, you will need to do some basic safety training, in case there is an emergency in the tunnel. Jean-Lou of LSM leads this training, and you will be able to do it very quickly in the morning before you go underground. You will also need to receive some security paperwork. To get all of this set up, let Valerie Favre know that you will be going underground for the first time.
Staying in Modane
You have a few options for accommodation in Modane. The cheapest option is to stay in the LSM dorms. There are 4 rooms in the basement of the surface lab. Each one has its own shower and toilet, and there is a shared kitchen which is stocked with basic cooking equipment. The dorm rooms cost EUR19 per night. To find out about availability and book a room, contact LSM.
Alternatively, people choose to stay in Modane itself (walking distance to the lab) or in the nearby ski resort of Aussois, a 10-15 minute drive from the lab. Some hotels we have tried:
- Hotel Le Commerce in Modane
- Les Voyageurs in Modane
- Les Mottets in Aussois
- Hotel du Soleil in Aussois
If a few people are travelling together outside peak vacation season, it may be possible to rent a chalet in Aussois - speak to Manu if you are interested.
Modane and Aussois both have restaurants, although some of them will be closed in the non-tourist season. Modane’s gastronomic district (such as it is) is the street by the railway station. A few we like:
- Il Peppuccio Pizzeria in Modane. No trip to LSM is complete without a Peppuccio pizza. Veggie options available. Gluten-free possible but limited.
- L’Echappee A little more expensive, with French food including Alpine specialities. Go there when you want to celebrate.
- Pulcinella A pizzeria that is not Peppuccio. Sometimes open when Peppuccio is closed.
- Le Perce Neige Traditional food of the Savoie region. Lots of cheese. Feels like somebody’s living room.
- L’international Turkish food. Exotic by Modane standards!
- Hotel de la Gare Sells crepes and galettes, among other things.
Getting to Modane
The easiest way to get to Modane is probably to fly to either Geneva or Lyon St-Exupery, and rent a car. It’s around a 2.5-hour drive to the lab from either of these, mostly on motorways, although the travel time can vary significantly with traffic. There is parking at the lab and street parking near the hotels, though finding spaces in downtown Modane can be annoying.
The TGV from Paris Gare-de-Lyon to Turin stops in Modane, but the trains are not frequent. It’s about a 4-hour ride from Paris. For more flexibility in timing, you can consider changing at Chambery and using a local train for the Alpine part of the trip. There is also a TGV from the Lyon airport - again, infrequent - if you don’t want to drive. To get to Geneva airport by public transit, take the train to Chambery and then either a Flixbus direct to the airport, or train changing in Geneva central. You can book the trains on the SNCF website or app.
Things to consider
It is warm in the tunnel! Choose comfortable and cool clothing. Be sure to stay hydrated. (There is drinking water available underground.)
When you are underground, you must wear closed-toed shoes. No sandals!
There is no wi-fi underground, but you can connect to the internet using an ethernet cable (in the break room). You should turn off your phone or put it in airplane mode when you are underground, to protect other experiments in the lab.
Data and analysis
Analysis code
A work-in-progress collection of SuperNEMO and NEMO-3 analysis code is available in the AllAnalyses repository under SuperNEMO-DBD .
SuperNEMO Analysis wiki
The SuperNEMO Analysis wiki page is hosted at LPC Caen and holds up-to-date information about the status of analyses, as well as links to helpful tools and documents to get you started analysing SuperNEMO data. It also has links to the minutes of all our internal analysis meetings. You can get a login from Yves or Francois.
Future meetings
All the information you need about the upcoming collaboration meetings
Bratislava, Slovakia
Pavel and his team look forward to welcoming us to beautiful Bratislava in 2025.
Aussois, Savoie, France
We can't wait to celebrate the SuperNEMO kick-off with a collaboration meeting and party in beautiful Aussois, close to the lab!