Falaise  4.0.1
SuperNEMO Software Toolkit
FLReconstruct Pipeline Output


The current official reconstruction pipeline consists in several steps, each responsible of the elaboration of additional informations stored in dedicated banks in the event record. We saw in the tutorial on FLSimulate output that the Monte-Carlo program creates a new data bank in the event record (a datatools::things object) which is keyed SD (S imulated D ata).

Once the FLSimulate output file is generated, it can be used as the input of the FLReconstruct program. We describe here the contents of the reconstruction data banks added by the reconstruction pipeline.

| Event record (datatools::things) |
+----------------+------+-------+-------+- - - - ?
| | | | |
+----+ : +----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
| SD | : | CD | | TCD | | TTD | | PTD |
+----+ : +----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
/ : \ \ / /
/ : \ \ / /
+------+------+ : +--+----+--+-----+-+
| Monte-Carlo | : | Reconstruction |
| output | : | outputs |
+-------------+ : +------------------+

The shared handle concept

Before to describe the SuperNEMO reconstruction banks, we explain the shared handle concept, a special kind of reference to an arbitrary object. A shared handle is implemented through the datatools::handle<T> template class, where T is an arbitrary class. It is based on the template boost::shared_ptr<T> smart pointer class from the Boost library (note: this concept is also available in C++11, however we don't use this implementation in the SuperNEMO software yet).

The shared handle is a special kind of pointer which is responsible of the memory management of the object it handles. More, it is able to share the handle to this object with as many as other shared handles of the same type. As long as at least one shared handle points to the object, the object is still managed in memory and thus accessible. When, and only when, the last shared handle on a given object is destroyed, the object itself is finally discarded from the memory. This mechanism is implemented using some hidden reference counter.

Below we represent a shared handle [h] that originaly points to an object which has been dynamically allocated in memory (typically through the new C++ operator):

[h]------>| Object |

As it is the only shared handle refering to this object (see the [1] counter on the top right corner of the box), when the [h] handle is destroyed (we use here the [~h] symbol), this automatically discards the object (using the ~Object to represent the deletion process):

[~h]~ ~ ~ | ~Object | ======> {nothing is left in memory}

Now suppose we have a second shared handle [h'] that now enters the game and points to the same object than [h] :

[h]------>| Object |<------[h']

If we destroy [h], the object will be not destroyed because there is still one shared handle that refers to it, namely [h'], which now becomes the responsible of the memory management of the object:

+-----[2=>1] +-------[1]
[~h]~ ~ ~ | Object |<------[h'] ======> | Object |<------[h']
+--------+ +--------+

Many SuperNEMO data models make use of this technique to manipulate data structures of interest: hits, clusters of hits, tracks... whatever data banks refer to these objects. This enables the sharing of such objects from within various data banks. We don't have to care about who or what is responsible of the memory management.

The illustration below illustrates a typical case where a CD and a TCD banks refer to the same pool of Geiger hits (the [h?] represent shared handle objects):

| Event record (datatools::things) |
| |
+----+ +-----+
| CD | | TCD |
+----+ +-----+
| |
| +---------------[h0]-------------[h1]
| | | |
| | v v
| +-------------+ +------------+ +------------+
| | Unclustered | | Cluster #0 | | Cluster #1 |
| +-------------+ +------------+ +------------+
| | | |
| +----------[2] | | |
[ha]--->| GG Hit #0 |<----[hA] | |
| +-----------+ | |
| +----------[2] | |
[hb]--->| GG Hit #1 |<---------------------[hB] |
| +-----------+ | |
| +----------[2] | |
[hc]--->| GG Hit #2 |<---------------------[hC] |
| +-----------+ | |
| +----------[3] | |
[hd]--->| GG Hit #3 |<---------------------[hD] /--------[hE]
| +-----------+<----------------------------/ |
| +----------[2] |
[he]--->| GG Hit #4 |<--------------------------------------[hF]
| +-----------+ |
| +----------[2] |
[hf]--->| GG Hit #5 |<--------------------------------------[hG]

If we destroy the CD bank from the event record, this will destroy the shared handles ha, hb, hc, hd, he and hf. However, as Geiger hits objects from #0 to #5 are also refered by other shared handles from the TCD bank, they are not deleted :

| Event record (datatools::things) |
| TCD |
| | |
| v v
+-------------+ +------------+ +------------+
| Unclustered | | Cluster #0 | | Cluster #1 |
+-------------+ +------------+ +------------+
| | |
+----------[1] | | |
| GG Hit #0 |<----[hA] | |
+-----------+ | |
+----------[1] | |
| GG Hit #1 |<---------------------[hB] |
+-----------+ | |
+----------[1] | |
| GG Hit #2 |<---------------------[hC] |
+-----------+ | |
+----------[2] | |
| GG Hit #3 |<---------------------[hD] /--------[hE]
+-----------+<----------------------------/ |
+----------[1] |
| GG Hit #4 |<--------------------------------------[hF]
+-----------+ |
+----------[1] |
| GG Hit #5 |<--------------------------------------[hG]

If we now remove the cluster #0 from the TCD bank, the Geiger hits #1 and #2 are destroyed but the other ones are preserved, protected by their shared handles:

| Event record (datatools::things) |
| TCD |
| |
| v
+-------------+ +------------+
| Unclustered | | Cluster #1 |
+-------------+ +------------+
| |
+----------[1] | |
| GG Hit #0 |<----[hA] |
+-----------+ |
+----------[1] |
| GG Hit #3 |<---------------------[hE]
+-----------+ |
+----------[1] |
| GG Hit #4 |<---------------------[hF]
+-----------+ |
+----------[1] |
| GG Hit #5 |<---------------------[hG]

That means that even if we completely remove some banks from the event record, as long as some shared handles will point to a given object from other data banks, the object will be preserved from deletion and will remain usable at any processing stage of the pipeline. This technique is non only safe with respect to memory management, it is also fully supported by the Boost/Serialization library which is the base of the Falaise I/O system.

Mock digitization and calibration

Both mock digitization and calibration modules snemo::processing::mock_tracker_s2c_module and snemo::processing::mock_calorimeter_s2c_module create and fill the CD bank (C alibrated D ata). The CD bank contains a snemo::datamodel::calibrated_data object.

Each snemo::datamodel::calibrated_data object contains:

  • a collection of shared handles on calibrated calorimeter hits, each of them representing a hit in scintillator blocks (main walls, X-walls and gamma veto). A calibrated calorimeter hit is implemented as a snemo::datamodel::calibrated_calorimeter_hit object which contains:
    • the unique identifier of the hit (an integer, inherited from the geomtools::base_hit mother class)
    • the geometry identifier (GID) of the hit scintillator block (a geomtools::geom_id instance, inherited from the geomtools::base_hit mother class)
    • a collection of auxiliary properties (a datatools::properties instance, inherited from the geomtools::base_hit mother class)
    • the energy deposited in the calorimeter block (a real positive value in unit of energy)
    • the error on the energy deposited in the calorimeter block (a real positive value in unit of energy)
    • the time of the hit in the calorimeter block (a real value in unit of time)
    • the error on the time of the hit in the calorimeter block (a real positive value in unit of time)
  • a collection of shared handles on calibrated tracker hits (Geiger), each of them representing a hit in Geiger drift cells. A calibrated tracker hit is implemented as a snemo::datamodel::calibrated_tracker_hit object which contains:
    • the unique identifier of the hit (an integer, inherited from the geomtools::base_hit mother class)
    • the geometry identifier (GID) of the hit drift cell (a geomtools::geom_id instance, inherited from the geomtools::base_hit mother class)
    • a collection of auxiliary properties (a datatools::properties instance, inherited from the geomtools::base_hit mother class)
    • the transverse drift distance within the cell coordinates system (a real positive value in unit of length)
    • the error on the transverse drift distance within the cell coordinates system (a real positive value in unit of length)
    • the longitudinal position within the cell coordinates system (a real value in unit of length)
    • the error on the longitudinal position within the cell coordinates system (a real positive value in unit of length)
    • the (X, Y) position of the anode wire within the SuperNEMO module coordinates system (two real values in unit of length)
    • the delayed time of the hit (a real value in unit of time)
    • the error on the delayed time of the hit (a real positive value in unit of time)
  • a collection of auxiliary properties (a datatools::properties instance).

Tracker clustering

Whatever tracker clustering module is used (snemo::reconstruction::mock_tracker_clustering_module, snemo::reconstruction::cat_tracker_clustering_module or snemo::reconstruction::sultan_tracker_clustering_module), it create and fill the TCD bank (T racker C lustering D ata). The TCD bank contains a snemo::datamodel::tracker_clustering_data object.

Each snemo::datamodel::tracker_clustering_data object contains:

  • a collection of shared handles on snemo::datamodel::tracker_clustering_solution objects
  • a shared handle on the default snemo::datamodel::tracker_clustering_solution object (ideally the best solution among the former collection, using some arbitrary criterion: P-value, chi2... depending on the way the clustering module ranks different possible solutions).
  • a collection of auxiliary properties (a datatools::properties instance). It is expected that in the case of several clustering solutions are computed by the clustering algorithm, we are able to determine which one should be used as the best one. For the current release, only one clustering solution is computed so it is automatically selected as the default one.

Each snemo::datamodel::tracker_clustering_solution object contains:

  • the unique identifier of the solution (an integer)
  • a collection of shared handles on snemo::datamodel::tracker_cluster objects
  • a collection of shared handles on unclustered hits (referencing the calibrated tracker hits in the CD bank that are not associated to any cluster for whatever reason: isolated hits, not in time...)
  • a collection of auxiliary properties (datatools::properties).

Each snemo::datamodel::tracker_cluster object contains:

Track fitting

A track fitting algorithm tries to fit a line or an helix to a given cluster provided from the TCD bank. It creates and fills the TTD bank (T racker T rajectory D ata). The TTD bank contains a snemo::datamodel::tracker_trajectory_data object.

Each snemo::datamodel::tracker_trajectory_data object contains:

Each snemo::datamodel::tracker_trajectory_solution object contains:

  • the unique identifier of the solution (an integer)
  • the shared handle to the clustering solution of which the clusters of hits have been fitted
  • a collection of shared handles on snemo::datamodel::tracker_trajectory objects associated to fitted clusters
  • a collection of shared handles on unfitted clusters
  • a collection of auxiliary properties (a datatools::properties instance).

Each snemo::datamodel::tracker_trajectory object contains:

  • the unique identifier of the trajectory (an integer, inherited from the geomtools::base_hit mother class)
  • the geometry identifier (GID) of the tracker submodule where the trajectory lies (a geomtools::geom_id instance, inherited from the geomtools::base_hit mother class)
  • a collection of auxiliary properties (a datatools::properties instance, inherited from the geomtools::base_hit mother class)
  • the shared handle to the cluster associated to the fitted trajectory
  • a collection of shared handles to orphan Geiger hits in the cluster that were not taken into account by the fit
  • a shared handle to the trajectory pattern (line or helix)

Two types of trajectory patterns are supported:

Both classes inherit the snemo::datamodel::base_trajectory_pattern classes.

A snemo::datamodel::line_trajectory_pattern contains:

  • the pattern identifier, a label that identifies the type of trajectory pattern (value is "line")
  • a geomtools::line_3d object representing the fitted linear trajectory in the reference frame of the tracking chamber. It contains:
    • the first and last points defining a linear segment.

A snemo::datamodel::helix_trajectory_pattern contains:

  • the pattern identifier, a label that identifies the type of trajectory pattern (value is "helix")
  • a geomtools::helix_3d object representing the fitted helical trajectory in the reference frame of the tracking chamber. It contains:
    • the center of the helix,
    • the radius of the helix,
    • the pitch of the helix,
    • the first and last reduced angles of the helical segment.

Charged particle measurements

A module dedicated to measurements of charged particles tries to compute some useful informations associated to a given trajectory. The ChargedParticleTracking plugin provides such a module: snemo::reconstruction::charged_particle_tracking_module. This module is able to perform several measurements of interest on the trajectories that have been fitted during the previous track fitting process:

  • determine the charge associated to a trajectory (exploiting the possible curvature of the track)
  • compute various vertexes of interest associated to the trajectory:
    • impact(s) on the source foil
    • impact(s) on the entrance surface of scintillator blocks in the main calorimeter walls, the X-calo or the gamma veto

It used the CD and TTD banks as its input and creates and fills the PTD bank (P article T rack D ata). The PTD bank contains a snemo::datamodel::particle_track_data object.