Falaise  4.0.1
SuperNEMO Software Toolkit
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 metadata_utils.hUtilities for accessing metadata
  • User profile
 property_reader.hConvenience functions for reading datatools::properties
 quantity.hTypes for configuration validation of physical quantities
 falaise_sys.hProvide Falaise library system singleton
 geometry.hTypes and traits for the SuperNEMO Geometry Service
 service_handle.hSimple access to services via a smart pointer
 service_traits.hTypes for defining service class traits
 exitcodes.hProvide commonly used exit status codes
 falaise.hProvide system init for Falaise internals
 resource.hUtilities for accessing falaise resource/plugin files
 tags.hUtilities for tag management
 version.hDescribe the Falaise API version