Falaise  4.0.1
SuperNEMO Software Toolkit
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CResourceInitializationExceptionException class for bad resource initialization
 CUnknownResourceExceptionException class for unknown resources
 CversionDescribe the falaise API version and features
 Cbad_service_accessException reporting that a service_handle is empty
 Cbad_service_typeException reporting that a service is provided, but of the wrong type
 Cgeometry_svcLocate, track, and trace elements of the SuperNEMO detector geometry
 Cmissing_service_errorException reporting that a service is missing in the provider
 Cservice_handleSemi-smart pointer holding a service interface
 Cservice_infoService utility
 Cservice_traitsTemplate struct for defining trait types and functions for a service
 Cservice_traits< geometry_svc >Specialization of service_traits for geometry_svc
 Cservice_traits< histogram >
 Ccompare_tracker_hit_ptr_by_delayed_timeA functor for handle on tracker hits that perform a comparison by delayed time
 Cevent_displayToy display for Geiger hits in a simplified SuperNEMO like geometry
 Cevent_generatorGenerator of mock events (collections of Geiger hits)
 Cgg_hitMock Geiger hit (inspired by NEMO-3 and SuperNEMO Geiger hit datamodels)
 Cinput_dataInput data structure
 Coutput_dataOutput data structure
 Cpre_clusterizerA pre-clusterizer of Geiger hits for the SuperNEMO detector
 Csetup_dataSetup data for the TrackerPreClustering algorithm