| mapped_magnetic_field (uint32_t=0) |
| Default constructor. More...
virtual | ~mapped_magnetic_field () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual void | initialize (const ::datatools::properties &, ::datatools::service_manager &, ::emfield::base_electromagnetic_field::field_dict_type &) |
| Initialization. More...
virtual void | reset () |
| Reset. More...
virtual int | compute_electric_field (const ::geomtools::vector_3d &position_, double time_, ::geomtools::vector_3d &electric_field_) const |
| Compute electric field. More...
virtual int | compute_magnetic_field (const ::geomtools::vector_3d &position_, double time_, geomtools::vector_3d &magnetic_field_) const |
| Compute magnetic field. More...
virtual void | tree_dump (std::ostream &out_=std::clog, const std::string &title_="", const std::string &indent_="", bool inherit_=false) const |
| Smart print. More...
void | set_map_filename (const std::string &) |
| Set the map source filename. More...
void | set_mapping_mode (mapping_mode_type) |
| Set the mapping mode. More...
void | set_zero_field_outside_map (bool) |
| Set the flag to force a zero B-field outside the mapped domain. More...
bool | is_zero_field_outside_map () const |
| Return the flag to force a zero B-field outside the mapped domain. More...
void | set_z_inverted (bool) |
| Set the Z component inversion flag. More...
bool | is_z_inverted () const |
| Return the Z component inversion flag. More...
void | set_logging_priority (datatools::logger::priority priority_) |
datatools::logger::priority | get_logging_priority () const |
bool | is_initialized () const |
void | set_name (const std::string &) |
const std::string & | get_name () const |
bool | is_debug () const |
void | set_debug (bool debug_) |
bool | is_electric_field () const |
bool | is_magnetic_field () const |
bool | electric_field_can_be_combined () const |
bool | magnetic_field_can_be_combined () const |
bool | electric_field_is_time_dependent () const |
bool | magnetic_field_is_time_dependent () const |
| base_electromagnetic_field (uint32_t flags_=0) |
virtual | ~base_electromagnetic_field () |
virtual int | compute_electromagnetic_field (const geomtools::vector_3d &position_, double time_, geomtools::vector_3d &electric_field_, geomtools::vector_3d &magnetic_field_) const |
virtual int | compute_field (char label_, const geomtools::vector_3d &position_, double time_, geomtools::vector_3d &field_) const |
virtual void | initialize_simple () |
virtual void | initialize_standalone (const datatools::properties &setup_) |
virtual void | initialize_with_service_only (const datatools::properties &setup_, datatools::service_manager &service_manager_) |
virtual void | initialize_with_dictionary_only (const datatools::properties &setup_, field_dict_type &dictionary_) |
virtual void | initialize (const datatools::properties &setup_, datatools::service_manager &service_manager_, field_dict_type &dictionary_)=0 |
virtual std::string | get_class_id () const=0 |
virtual bool | position_and_time_are_valid (const geomtools::vector_3d &position_, double time_) const |
virtual int | compute_electric_field (const geomtools::vector_3d &position_, double time_, geomtools::vector_3d &electric_field_) const |
virtual int | compute_magnetic_field (const geomtools::vector_3d &position_, double time_, geomtools::vector_3d &magnetic_field_) const |
| i_tree_dumpable () |
virtual | ~i_tree_dumpable () |
virtual void | print_tree (std::ostream &out_=std::clog, const boost::property_tree::ptree &options_=empty_options()) const |
void | print_tree_json (std::ostream &out_=std::clog, const std::string &json_options_="") const |
void | print_tree_json (std::ostream &out_=std::clog, const char *json_options_=nullptr) const |
void | tree_dump_id (const int out_type_=OSTREAM_CLOG, const std::string &title_="", const std::string &indent_="", const bool inherit_=false) const |
void | tree_print_id (const int out_type_=OSTREAM_CLOG, const std::string &title_="") const |
void | smart_print_id (const int out_type_=OSTREAM_CLOG, const std::string &title_="", const std::string &indent_="") const |