Falaise  4.0.1
SuperNEMO Software Toolkit
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
datatools Namespace Reference




class  _system_factory_registrator
class  array_input_buffer
class  bad_things_cast
class  base_factory_register
class  base_service
struct  bit_mask
struct  caster
class  command
struct  computing_time
class  configuration_property_description
class  data_reader
class  data_writer
class  dependency_graph
struct  dependency_info_type
class  enriched_base
class  event_id
class  event_id_equal_predicate
class  factory_register
class  handle
class  handle_pool
struct  handle_predicate
struct  i_caster
class  i_clear
class  i_cloneable
class  i_named
class  i_predicate
class  i_serializable
class  i_tree_dumpable
class  iarraystream
class  integer_range
struct  io
class  io_factory
class  io_reader
class  io_writer
class  ivectorstream
class  kernel
class  library_info
class  library_loader
class  library_query_service
struct  logger
class  mother_to_daughter_predicate
class  multi_properties
class  object_configuration_description
class  ocd_driver
struct  ocd_driver_params
class  ostream_manipulator
class  ostream_manipulator_ref
class  ovectorstream
class  properties
struct  range_tools
class  real_range
class  safe_serial
class  service_entry
class  service_manager
class  smart_filename
class  smart_ref
class  temp_file
class  things
class  tracer
class  urn
class  urn_db_service
class  urn_info
class  urn_query_service
class  urn_to_path
class  urn_to_path_resolver_service
class  vector_input_buffer
class  vector_output_buffer
struct  version
class  version_id


typedef datatools::handle< base_serviceservice_handle_type
typedef std::map< std::string, int > dependency_level_dict_type
typedef std::map< std::string, dependency_info_typeservice_dependency_dict_type
typedef std::shared_ptr< service_entryservice_entry_ptr
typedef std::map< std::string, service_entry_ptrservice_dict_type


enum  datatools_init_flags
enum  range_bound_info_type
enum  dependency_level_type
enum  basic_type
enum  data_type
enum  return_code_type
enum  compare_result_type
enum  name_validation_flags


bool is_covariant (const Base &b_)
void initialize (int argc_=0, char *argv_[]=0, uint32_t flags_=0)
 Initialize resources of the Falaise library. More...
void terminate ()
 Terminate resources of the Falaise library. More...
bool load_ocd (::datatools::object_configuration_description &, typename boost::disable_if< has_load< ::datatools::detail::ocd::loader< ConfigurableType > > >::type *=0)
bool load_ocd (::datatools::object_configuration_description &ocd_, typename boost::enable_if< has_load< ::datatools::detail::ocd::loader< ConfigurableType > > >::type *dummy=0)
handle< T > make_handle (Args &&... args)
const std::string & serial_tag ()
const std::string & backward_serial_tag (int i=0)
bool check_serial_tag (const std::string stag_, const std::string alt_tag_="", typename boost::disable_if< has_bsts< T > >::type *dummy_=0)
bool check_serial_tag (const std::string stag_, const std::string alt_tag_="", typename boost::enable_if< has_bsts< T > >::type *dummy_=0)
void print_multi_lines (std::ostream &out_, const std::string &text_, const std::string &indent_="")
const propertiesempty_config ()
 for (pmap::const_iterator iter=_props_.begin();iter !=_props_.end();++iter)
 for (keys_col_type::const_iterator i=ks.begin();i !=ks.end();++i)
std::string get_resource_dir (bool overriden_env_=false)
std::string get_resource (const std::string &rname_, bool overriden_env_=false)
bool has (const service_dict_type &services_, const std::string &service_name_)
T & grab (service_dict_type &services_, const std::string &service_name_)
const T & get (const service_dict_type &services_, const std::string &service_name_)
bool service_exists (const service_dict_type &services_, const std::string &service_name_)
bool service_of_type_exists (const service_dict_type &services_, const std::string &service_type_id_, const std::string &service_name_)
void merge_services (service_dict_type &services_, service_dict_type &merged_, bool duplicate_throw_=false)
bool find_service_name_with_id (const service_dict_type &services_, const std::string &service_type_id_, std::string &service_name_)
bool find_service_names_with_id (const service_dict_type &services_, const std::string &service_type_id_, std::vector< std::string > &service_names_)
base_servicegrab_service (service_dict_type &services_, const std::string &service_name_)
const base_serviceget_service (const service_dict_type &services_, const std::string &service_name_)
const std::string get_label_from_type (int type_)
int get_type_from_label (const std::string &label_)
const std::string & empty_string ()
const std::string & none_label ()
const std::string & yes_label ()
const std::string & no_label ()
void invalidate (float &value_)
float invalid_real_single ()
bool is_valid (float value_)
bool is_infinity (float value_)
bool is_plus_infinity (float value_)
bool is_minus_infinity (float value_)
void plus_infinity (float &value_)
void minus_infinity (float &value_)
void infinity (float &value_)
void invalidate (double &value_)
double invalid_real_double ()
double invalid_real ()
bool is_valid (double value_)
bool is_infinity (double value_)
bool is_plus_infinity (double value_)
bool is_minus_infinity (double value_)
bool is_normal (double value_)
void plus_infinity (double &value_)
void minus_infinity (double &value_)
void infinity (double &value_)
compare_result_type compare_real (double x1_, double x2_, double abs_eps_=0.0, double rel_eps_=0.0)
bool name_validation (const std::string &name_, uint32_t flags_=NV_DEFAULT)
bool is_quoted (const std::string &text_, char q_='"')
void add_quotes (const std::string &from_, std::string &to_, char q_='"')
void add_quotes (std::string &text_, char q_='"')
void remove_quotes (const std::string &from_, std::string &to_, char q_='"')
void remove_quotes (std::string &text_, char q_='"')
void remove_all_quotes (std::string &text_)
bool resolve_library_info_path_keys (const std::string &library_topic_, std::string &install_path_key_, std::string &environ_path_key_)
std::string fetch_path (const std::string &path_str_)
bool fetch_path (std::string &word_, std::string &errmsg_)
bool fetch_path_with_env (std::string &word_)
bool fetch_path_with_env (std::string &word_, std::string &errmsg_)
bool fetch_path_without_env (std::string &word_)
bool fetch_path_with_env_p (std::string &word_, const std::string &parent_path_)
bool fetch_path_with_env_g (std::string &word_)
bool fetch_path_with_env_pg (std::string &word_, const std::string &parent_path_)
bool has_global_path ()
void reset_global_path ()
void set_global_path (const std::string &gpath_)
const std::string & get_global_path ()
std::string expand_path (const std::string &path_str_)
void split_string (const std::string &word_, const std::string &separators_, std::list< std::string > &words_)
void set_bit (Integral &number_, int pos_)
void unset_bit (Integral &number_, int pos_)
void toggle_bit (Integral &number_, int pos_)
bool check_bit (Integral &number_, int pos_)
bool validate_version (const std::string &label_, const version_id &vid_, const std::string &version_rules_)


keys_col_type ks