SuperNEMO Software Toolkit
As discussed in Using the FLReconstruct Application, the flreconstruct
application takes an input file from flsimulate
(and later raw data), and passes each event through a sequence of modules that perform reconstruction of the event and, optionally, then writes the results out to file. Falaise supplies a stock set of modules to perform common tasks and to construct the pipeline required for official reconstruction of events from simulated/raw data. Here we document these modules, describing their purpose and the data they work with and create.
As explained in the section on working with events, FLSimulate and FLReconstruct use the datatools::things class as the event data model for all experiments. This class provides a dictionary-like interface allowing pipeline modules to read and write data "banks" to/from the event using a string "key". Downstream modules in the pipeline may use data written to the event by upstream modules (e.g. a fitting module may need clustering data), and thus need to know the keys under which any data banks it requires are stored.
Bank key | Bank type | Description | Creator |
EH | snemo::datamodel::event_header | Data about event | FLSimulate (not implemented yet) |
SD | mctools::simulated_data | Simulated primary event, verted and truth hits | FLSimulate |
CD | snemo::datamodel::calibrated_data | Calorimeter and tracker calibrated hits | Calibration module |
TCD | snemo::datamodel::tracker_clustering_data | Clusters of tracker hits | Tracker clustering algorithm |
TTD | snemo::datamodel::tracker_trajectory_data | Trajectories fitted to clusters | Track fitting algorithm |
PTD | snemo::datamodel::particle_track_data | Charged particle tracks | Charged particle measurement algorithm |
The SD bank is created by the FLSimulate application. The other banks are created by specific algorithms/modules embedded in the FLReconstruct pipeline.
Module name | Library/Plugin | Required Input Bank | Output Bank | Description |
snemo::processing::mock_tracker_s2c_module | Falaise | SD | CD | Digitizes and calibrates tracker simulated truth hits (mock) |
snemo::processing::mock_calorimeter_s2c_module | Falaise | SD | CD | Digitization/calibration of the calorimeter simulated truth hits (mock) |
snemo::reconstruction::mock_tracker_clustering_module | Falaise_MockTrackerClusterizer | CD | TCD | Basic clusterization of tracker hits (mock) |
snemo::reconstruction::cat_tracker_clustering_module | Falaise_CAT | CD | TCD | Clusterization of tracker hits (CAT) |
snemo::reconstruction::sultan_tracker_clustering_module | Falaise_CAT | CD | TCD | Clusterization of tracker hits (SULTAN) |
snemo::reconstruction::trackfit_tracker_fitting_module | TrackFit, Falaise_TrackFit | TCD | TTD | Linear/helix fitting of tracks |
snemo::reconstruction::charged_particle_tracking_module | Falaise_ChargedParticleTracking | CD, TTD | PTD | Measurements of charged particles' tracks |
dpp::dump_module | Bayeux | SD, CD, TCD, TTD | none | Print the event record |
snemo::visualization::visu_toy_module | Falaise_VisuToy | SD, CD, TCD, TTD | none | Basic event display |
Note that the mock digitization/calibration modules are a temporary feature. Digitization functionality will be moved into flsimulate
as the DAQ design evolves. Calibration will be refactored into a dedicated task.
As with other modules, the behaviour of the stock Falaise modules can be configured using datatools::properties
markup in text files. The current defaults are provided in the following locations:
Module name | Path to the default configuration file |
snemo::processing::mock_tracker_s2c_module | @falaise.resources:config/snemo/common/reconstruction/1.0/mock_tracker_s2c.conf |
snemo::processing::mock_calorimeter_s2c_module | @falaise.resources:config/snemo/demonstrator/reconstruction/1.0/mock_calorimeter_s2c.conf |
snemo::reconstruction::mock_tracker_clustering_module | @falaise.resources:modules/MockTrackerClusterizer/config/snemo/common/reconstruction/1.0/mock_tracker_clusterizer.conf |
snemo::reconstruction::cat_tracker_clustering_module | @falaise.resources:modules/CAT/config/snemo/common/reconstruction/1.0/CAT.conf |
snemo::reconstruction::sultan_tracker_clustering_module | @falaise.resources:modules/CAT/config/snemo/common/reconstruction/1.0/SULTAN.conf |
snemo::reconstruction::trackfit_tracker_fitting_module | @falaise.resources:modules/TrackFit/snemo/common/reconstruction/1.0/trackfit.conf |
snemo::reconstruction::charged_particle_tracking_module | @falaise.resources:modules/ChargedParticleTracking/snemo/common/reconstruction/1.0/charged_particle_tracking.conf |