Return the set of supported user profiles. User profiles offer differents guarantees on data production.
Use case for Monte Carlo data production (FLSimulate):
- "expert" : This mode gives access to all configuration parameters and command line switches. It is reserved for very experienced users with a very good knowledge of the Bayeux/Falaise simulation framework. It is supposed to be used to explore, debug, commission new simulation contexts. No Monte Carlo data produced with this mode should be accepted in the official datasets. Use it at your own risk!
- "normal" : This mode gives access to a limited, but still rich, set of configuration parameters and command line switches. Users have the possibility to setup his/her own simulation setup for investigating and/or testing new Monte-Carlo configurations. This is the default mode. No Monte Carlo data produced with this mode should be accepted in the official datasets but each configuration provided within this mode could be promoted to an official one, after validation and acceptation by the Board!
- "production" : This mode gives access to a more limited set of configuration parameters and command line switches. Users have only the possibility to use blessed setups (registered through URNs). Strict rules for data production are used. This is the profile for production of 'blessed' Monte Carlo datasets. Only Monte Carlo data produced with this mode should be accepted as official ones.